Welcome to the LWA!
This is the LWA Consolidated Information Site designed to be a centralized resource for team members and other parties interested in the development of the Long Wavelength Array (LWA) in the Southwest.
The LWA is an effort to advance astronomy by using inexpensive antenna stations to build a very large aperture to probe the depths of space at the lowest frequencies - between 10 MHz and 88 MHz.
As we proceed with the project evaluation, we will endeavor to post at this website the latest information from conferences, technical memos and other contributions.
This project is a collaboration of the following institutions: UNM, VT, LANL, JPL, and NRL. Caltech, Harvard, NRAO and AFRL have also recently become involved in the project.
The LWA1 is now a University Radio Observatory
Support for operations and continuing development of the LWA1 is provided by the National Science Foundation under grant AST-1139974 of the University Radio Observatory program.
We operate a cluster that is kindly hosted by NRAO in the old correlator room.
Information about the OVRO-LWA station run by Caltech can be found here.
Sep 20, 2024: Cycle 13.
Target of Opportunity, Scientific and Educational proposals are invited at any time.June 2-3, 2023: LWA Users Meeting
in the Physics and Astronomy and Interdisciplenary (PAIS) buildingAugust 16-17, 2021: LWA Users Meeting
in the new Physics and Astronomy and Interdisciplenary (PAIS) buildingAstro 2020 Decadal: LWA Swarm White Paper
Universe Today features paper by Dowell & Taylor (2018; JAI): Instead of building single monster scopes like James Webb, what about swarms of space telescopes working together?