For all publications using exclusively data taken between June 1, 2013 and December 31, 2017:Feb. 2014 LWA Publication Policy
For all publications using exclusively data between January 1, 2018 and September 30, 2023:January 2018 LWA Publication Policy
For all publications using exclusively data taken after October 1, 2023:October 2023 LWA Publication Policy
LWA refereed publications
Implementing Continuous All-Sky Monitoring with the OVRO-LWA to Identify Prompt and Precursor\ Counterparts of Gravitational Wave Events
Design and Commissioning of an LWA Swarm Station: The Long Wavelength Array - North Arm
A Bifrost Accelerated Intermittent Small Baseline Subset Analysis Pipeline fo r InSAR Ground Deformation
Connections between Meteor Persistent Trains and Ozone Content in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
Not So Fast: A New Catalog of Meteor Persistent Trains
Spatially Resolved Observations of Meteor Radio Afterglows with the OVRO-LWA
An Optimized GPU Kernel for Real-Time Radio Imaging
A multi-frequency census of 100 pulsars below 100 MHz with LWA: a systematic study of flux density, spectra, timing, dispersion, polarization, and its variation from a decade of observations
Lightning Interferometry with the Long Wavelength Array
The Green Bank North Celestial Cap Survey. VIII. 21 New Pulsar Timing Solutions
Scattering Parameter Measurements of the Long Wavelength Array Antenna and Front End Electronics.
Visibility Domain Direction-of-Arrival Optimization for Arbitrary 2-D Arrays
Optimization and Commissioning of the EPIC Commensal Radio Transient Imager for the Long Wavelength Array
Remote Sensing of Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Magnetic Field Fluctuations Using Cosmic Radio Sources
Pulsar Observations at Low Frequencies: Applications to Pulsar Timing and Solar Wind Models
Improvements to the Search for Cosmic Dawn Using the Long Wavelength Array
Broadband Imaging to Study the Spectral Distribution of Meteor Radio Afterglows
Using Broadband Radio Noise from Power-Lines to Map and Track Dense Es Structures
Detecting Pulsar Polarization below 100 MHz with the Long Wavelength Array
A Coherent Method for Simulating Active and Passive Radar Sounding of the Jovian Icy Moons
Association between Meteor Radio Afterglows and Optical Persistent Trains
Using the Long Wavelength Array to Search for Cosmic Dawn
Observing Flare Stars Below 100 MHz with the LWA
Discovery of a Pulsar Wind Nebula around B0950+08 with the ELWA
Experimenting With Frequency‐And‐Angular Sounding to Characterize Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Using the LWA‐SV Radio Telescope and A DPS4D
New Limits on the Low-frequency Radio Transient Sky Using 31 hr of All-sky Data with the OVRO─LWA
Direct Wide-Field Radio Imaging in Real-Time at High Time Resolution using Antenna Electric Fields
Self-triggered radio detection and identification of cosmic air showers with the OVRO-LWA
Testing the Radiation Pattern of Meteor Radio Afterglow
The Case for Combining a Large Low‐Band Very High Frequency Transmitter With Multiple Receiving Arrays for Geospace Research: A Geospace Radar
Three Dimensional Mapping of Lightning Produced Ionospheric Reflections
A First Search for Prompt Radio Emission from a Gravitational-Wave Event
Detection of Echoes in PSR B1508+55 at Frequencies below 100 MHz using the LWA1
Multi-frequency scatter broadening evolution of pulsars - II. Scatter broadening of nearby pulsars
A Real-Time, All-Sky, High Time Resolution, Direct Imager for the Long Wavelength Array
Concurrent Jovian S-burst beaming as observed from LWA1, NDA, and Ukrainian radio telescopes
Experimenting with frequency and angular sounding to characterize traveling ionospheric disturbances using the LWA-SV Radio Telescope and DPS4D
Detection of a Low Frequency Cosmic Radio Transient Using Two LWA Stations
A Scattering Study of Pulsars Below 100 MHz
Using Lightning as a HF Signal Source to Produce Ionograms
The Extragalactic Radio Background Below 100 MHz
A simultaneous search for prompt radio emission associated with the short GRB 170112A using the all-sky imaging capability of the OVRO-LWA
The Radio Sky at Meter Wavelengths: m-Mode Analysis Imaging with the Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array
The Swarm Telescope Concept
Jovian decametric emission with the Long Wavelength Array station 1 (LWA1)
Morphology of the Jupiter Io-D decametric radio source
Jupiter’s Io-C and Io-B decametric emission source morphology from LWA1 data analysis
An efficient feedback calibration algorithm for direct imaging radio telescopes
A Multi-telescope Campaign on FRB 121102: Implications for the FRB Population
Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger
Design and characterization of the Large-Aperture Experiment to Detect the Dark Ages (LEDA) radiometer systems
Modeling the Ionosphere with GPS and Rotation Measure Observations
Bifrost: a Python/C++ Framework for High-Throughput Stream Processing in Astronomy
Multi-frequency scatter broadening evolution of pulsars - I
A Multi-Wavelength Study of Nearby Millisecond Pulsar PSR J1400-1431: Improved Astrometry and an Optical Detection of its Cool White Dwarf Companion
Analysis of Scattering from Archival Pulsar Data using a CLEAN-based Method
Ground-Based Surveillance Campaign to Detect Global Positioning System Arcing: First Preliminary Results
All-sky tracking of sporadic-E field-aligned irregularities as a novel probe of thermospheric winds
A multi-platform investigation of midlatitude sporadic E and its ties to E–F coupling and meteor activity
A deep campaign to characterize the synchronous radio/X-ray mode switching of PSR B0943+10
Altitudinal Dependence of Meteor Radio Afterglows Measured via optical meteor counterparts
Beaming structures of Jupiter's decametric common S-bursts observed from LWA1, NDA, and URAN2 radio telescopes
Observations of Rotating Radio Transients with the First Station of the Long Wavelength Array
The LWA1 Low Frequency Sky Survey
Measuring the magnetic field of coronal mass ejections near the Sun using pulsars
Direct observations of the connection between meteor activity and mid-latitude sporadic-E using the LWA radio telescope
An Efficient Feedback Calibration Algorithm for Direct Imaging Radio Telescopes
A Low Frequency Survey of Giant Pulses from the Crab Pulsar
Rates, Flux Densities, and Spectral Indices of Meteor Radio Afterglows
Observations of the ionospheric impact of M-class solar flares on local and hemispheric scales
Anomalous GPS Power Degredation and Arc-Induced Contamination
Simultaneous Observations of Giant Pulses from Pulsar PSR B0031-07 at 38 MHz and 74 MHz
Foreground Model and Antenna Calibration Errors in the Measurement of the Sky-Averaged 21cm Signal at z~20
Observations of Giant Pulses from Pulsar PSR B0950+08 using LWA1
Multi-messenger astronomy of gravitational-wave sources with flexible wide-area radio transient surveys
A New Look at Type III Bursts and their Use as Coronal Diagnostics
Dynamic Radio Spectra from two Fireballs
Digital Signal Processing using Stream High Performance Computing: A 512-input Broadband Correlator for Radio Astronomy
Pulsar Observations Using the First Station of the Long Wavelength array and the LWA Pulsar Data Archive
Monitoring the Sky with the Prototype All-Sky Imager on the LWA1
Probing Jovian Decametric Emission with the Long Wavelength Array Station 1
Detection of Radio Emission from Fireballs
Observations of Giant Pulses from Pulsar B0950+08 using LWA1
Limits on GRB Prompt Radio Emission Using the LWA1
A Scalable Hybrid FPGA/GPU FX Correlator
Detection and Flux Density Measurements of the Millisecond Pulsar J2145−0750 below 100 MHz
All-sky imaging of meteor trails at 55.25 MHz with the first station of the Long Wavelength Array
Observations of Crab Giant Pulses in 20-84 MHz using the LWA1
Passive over-the-horizon radar with WWV and the first station of the Long Wavelength Array
A Wide-Band, Active Antenna System for Long Wavelength Radio Astronomy
The LWA1 Radio Telescope
The Long Wavelength Array Software Library
First Light for the First Station of the Long Wavelength Array
Presentations at the 225th AAS January 2015 in Seattle
Search for 54-MHz Maser Emission from Interstellar Hydroxyl Using the Long Wavelength Array
The LWA1 Low Frequency Sky Survey
Monitoring the Low Frequency Sky with the LWA1 and the Prototype All-Sky Imager
Flux density calibration of compact low frequency aperture arrays
Progress on the Low Frequency All Sky Monitor
A Low Frequency Survey of Giant Pulses from the Crab Pulsar
The Low Band Observatory (LOBO): Expanding the VLA Low Frequency Commensal System for Continuous, Broad-band, sub-GHz Observations
Monitoring All the Sky All the Time with the Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array
Constraining the Thermal State of the IGM at z~20
Low Frequency Study of Rotating Radio Transients
Observing Rats, Giants, and Ghosts below 100 MHz with the LWA
Presentations at the 223rd AAS January 2014 in DC
Monitoring of Cyg A and Cas A flux densities below 100 MHz
A Search for Fast Radio Transients with LWA-1
Observations of Giant Pulses from Pulsar B0950+08 using LWA1
Constraints on Inspiralling Binaries from First LWA Data
Limits on GRB Prompt Radio Emission Using the LWA1
Pulsar Observations Using the First Station of the Long Wavelength Array
Observations of Rotating Radio Transients Using the Long Wavelength Array
Detection of Pulsed Emission from the Millisecond Pulsar PSR J2145-0750 Below 100 MHz
New Studies of Jovian Decametric Emission using the Long Wavelength Array Station 1
Fine Structure in Jupiter’s Decametric Emission using the Long Wavelength Array Station 1
A pilot study to monitor the Galactic Center for radio transients with the First Station of the Long Wavelength Array
Coincidently Searching for Gravitational Waves and Low Frequency Radio Transients
Progress on the Low Frequency All Sky Monitor
LoFASM’s FPGA-based Digital Acquisition System
In Pursuit of the Thermal State of the IGM at Redshift 20: Radio Foreground Characterization
Archived LWA related publications prior to 2010
The Long Wavelength Array: Ellingson, S., Clarke, T.E., Cohen, A.,Craig, J, Kassim, N.E., Pihlström, Y.M., Rickard, L.J., & Taylor, G.B., 2009, Proc IEEE, vol. 97, No. 8, pp. 1421-1430
Extrasolar Planet Studies: The Long Wavelength Array Response to the ExoPlanet Task Force (ExoPTF) Call for White Papers:
J. Lazio, W. M. Farrell, P. Zarka, & J. Kasper 2007
The Long Wavelength Array: G.B. Taylor 2006, Highlights of Astronomy V. 14, 2006 XXVIth IAU General Assembly J. Lazio & N. Kassim, Eds.
Laying the Groundwork for Cluster Studies: The Long Wavelength Array Response to the Dark Energy Task Force Call for White Papers:
T. Clarke, J. Lazio, G. Taylor, C. Sarazin, & N. Kassim 2006
From Clark Lake to the Long Wavelength Array: Bill Erickson's Radio Science
Edited by N. Kassim, M. Perez, M. Junor, and P. Henning 2006, ASP Conference Series, V. 345, Proceedings of the Conference held 8-11 September, 2004 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. These Proceedings contain a variety of papers which review scientific and technical aspects of the project during its early stage. [see - ADS 2006ASPC..345..533C]
Post-Correlation RFI Excision at Low Frequencies
2004, Radio Science (submitted)
RFI Identification and Migitation using Simultaneous Dual Station Observations
2004, Radio Science (submitted)
Radio Emission from Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursters and the Need for the SKA
2004, New Astron. Rev., Volume 48, Issues 11-12, pp. 1377-1398
The Radio Search for Extrasolar Planets with LOFAR
2004, Planetary and Space Sciences, Volume 52, Issue 15, pp. 1469-1478
High-Resolution, Wide-Field Imaging of the Galactic Center Region at 330 MHz
2004, AJ, Volume 128, Issue 4, pp. 1646-1670
A Low Frequency Survey of the Galactic Plane Near l=11°: Discovery of Three New Supernova Remnants
2004, AJ, 127, 355
Hydra A at Low Radio Frequencies
2004, AJ, 127, 48
Near-Infrared K-band Imaging of a Sample of Ultra-Steep-Spectrum Radio Sources Selected at 74 Mhz
2004, MNRAS, Volume 355, Issue 1, pp. 20-30
Spectral Index Maps of the Radio Halos in Abell 665 and Abell 2163
2004, A&A, v.423, p.111-119
A Wide-Field, Low-Frequency Radio Survey of the Field of M31. I. Construction and Statistical Analysis of the Source Catalog
2004, ApJS, Volume 155, Issue 1, pp. 89-100
A Deep, High-Resolution Survey at 74 MHz
2004, ApJS, 150, 417
The XMM-LSS Survey. Survey Design and First Results
2004, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Issue 09, pp. 011
Detection of Sagittarius A* at 330 MHz with the Very Large Array
2004, ApJL, 601, 51
On the Enhanced Interstellar Scattering toward B1849+005
2004, ApJ, Volume 613, Issue 2, pp. 1023-1036
The Radiometric Bode's Law and Extrasolar Planets
2004, ApJ, Volume 612, Issue 1, pp. 511-518
New Nonthermal Filaments at the Galactic Center: Are They Tracing a Globally Ordered Magnetic Field?
2004, ApJ, 607, 302
Low-Redshift Damped Lya Galaxies toward the Quasars B2 0827+243, PKS 0952+179, PKS 1127-145, and PKS 1629+120
2003, ApJ, Volume 595, Issue 1, pp. 94-108
Two Low Frequency Surveys of Radio Galaxies
The Low Frequency Radio Counterpart of the XMM Large Scale Structure Survey
2003, ApJ, 591, 640
Nonthermal Emission from the Arches Cluster (G0.121+0.017) and the Origin of ?-ray Emission from 3EG J1746-2851
2003, ApJ, Volume 590, Issue 2, pp. L103-L106
Thermal and Non-thermal Plasmas in the Galaxy Cluster 3C 129
2003, MNRAS, 345, 1255
Observaciones Interferométricas del RSN W44 en bajas Frecuencias
2003, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.46, p.61
The Properties of the X-ray holes in the Intracluster Medium of the Perseus Cluster
2002, MNRAS, 331, 369
Radio Emission from Supernovae & Gamma-ray Bursters
2002, Ann. Rev. Astron. & Ap. 40, 387
Low-Frequency Radio Transients in the Galactic Center
2002, AJ, 123, 1497
3C 129 at 90 Centimeters: Evidence for a Radio Relic?
A New System of Parallel Isolated Nonthermal Filaments near the Galactic Center: Evidence for a Local Magnetic Field Gradient
Spatially Resolved Thermal Continuum Absorption against Supernova Remnant W49B
The Radio Spectral Index and Expansion of 3C 58
Multifrequency Very Long Baseline Array Observations of the Compact Double B2 2050+36: Constraints on Interstellar Scattering Revisited
Low-Frequency VLA Observations of Abell 754: Evidence for a Cluster Radio Halo and Possible Radio Relics
Anomalous Radio-Wave Scattering from Interstellar Plasma Structures
Ionospheric Corrections for VLA Observations Using Local GPS Data
M87 at 90 Centimeters: A Different Picture
Radio Continuum Emission from the Central Stars of M20, and the Detection of a New Supernova Remnant near M20
Spatial Variations of the Synchrotron Spectrum within Tycho's Supernova Remnant (3C 10): A Spectral Tomography Analysis of Radio Observations at 20 and 90 Centimeter Wavelengths
A Wide-Field 90 Centimeter VLA Image of the Galactic Center Region
The ALFA Medium Explorer Mission
2000, AdSpR, 26, 743
Upper Limits on the Continuum Emission from Geminga at 74 and 326 MHz
Discovery of a Nonthermal Galactic Center Filament (G358.85+0.47) Parallel to the Galactic Plane
G359.87+0.18, An FR II Radio Galaxy 15' from Sagittarius A*: Implications for the Scattering Region in the Galactic Center
1051 Ergs: The Evolution of Shell Supernova Remnants
The Radio Spectral Index of the Crab Nebula
New Radio and Optical Study of the Supernova Remnant W44
Directions for space-based low frequency radio astronomy. 1. System considerations
A new supernova remnant over the Galactic Centre
The spectral index of the Crab Nebula.
Evidence for Thermal Absorption inside Cassiopeia A
X-ray observations of supernova remnants as distance indicators
The Radio Nebula of the Soft Gamma-Ray Repeater 1806-20
Radio Imaging of Two Supernova Remnants Containing Pulsars
ROSAT Observations of the Composite Supernova Remnant G326.3-1.8
Subarcminute resolution imaging of radio sources at 74 MHz with the Very Large Array
The gamma-ray line of Ti-44, combined with radio observations, as a probe of supernova
The Galaxy Activity-Interaction Connection. II---Radio observations
330 MHz VLA Observations of 20 Galactic Supernova Remnants
A New Look at the 'Jet' in the CTB 37A/B Supernova Remnant Complex
W30 Revealed---Separation and Analysis of Thermal and Nonthermal Emission in a Galactic Complex
Structure in Small Molecular Clouds---Pedestals and Clumping
A Possible New Association of a Pulsar with a Supernova Remnant
Radio Spectrum Studies of 32 First-Quadrant Galactic Supernova Remnants
Low-Frequency Observations of Galactic Supernova Remnants and the Distribution of Low-Density Ionized Gas in the Interstellar Medium
Improved Estimates of Galactic H II Region Emission Measures and Filling Factors---Low-Frequency VLA Observations near Sharpless 53
The Microarcsecond Sky and Cosmic Turbulence
2004, SKA Science Book, also New Astronomy Reviews
The Dynamic Radio Sky
2004, SKA Science Book; also New Astronomy Reviews