EPO Software
EPO Software: We have an LWATV GUI that facilitates the display of the sky from LWA1. There are also interactive web pages that help visualize the sky at low frequencies.
LWA Hardware
LWA Hardware: Those interested in owning an LWA antenna of their very own can purchase the necessary hardware from Whit Reeve here.
Basic Project Description
The LWA Project includes several institutions. The founding LWA members are the University of New Mexico, the Los Alamos National Laboratory in partnership with the Naval Research Laboratory. The Consortium now also includes Virginia Tech, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Download our information sheet for the general public (pdf).
Philosophy of the LWA Project
The LWA Project endorses education and outreach as an integral part of its commitment to technology development and scientific discovery. The Consortium encourages its members to seek ways to share the excitement of their research with the general public in order to support the following goals: sharing scientific results with the taxpayers who fund them, increasing general scientific literacy, and sparking interest in the students who will become the next generation of engineers and scientists. We are particularly committed to reaching underserved populations, including students from rural schools, Hispanic and Native American students, and their families.
Recent Educational/Visitor Opportunities
Tours of the First Station of the Long Wavelength Array (LWA-1)
Tours of the LWA-1 are given to various groups during the year.
A group from the Church of the Good Shepherd which included 2 LWA astronomers as Tour guides checks out the LWA - April 9, 2016
Left: distant view from VLA Right: sample LWA antenna ![]()
Left: LWA astronomer(middle) describes the LWA to group. Right: Somewhat closer view of LWA-1 station. A teenager and his grandpa (LWA astronomer) visit the LWA - Oct. 12, 2015
Left: Station LWA1 Right: Viewing the LWA1 Retirees at La Vida Llena (LVL) visit the VLA & LWA - May 28, 2015
Top left: LVL van Top right: LWA1 antenna Bottom: Viewing the LWA1
Photos from the tour by participants of the Synthesis Imaging Workshop - May 18, 2014
2nd photo: Learning about the individual antennas 3rd photo: More explanations in front of the electronics building
On-going - students participate in Work Parties during 2009 and 2010
LWA System Engineer Joe Craig works with student volunteers to assemble an LWA antenna during one of the Work Parties to complete the first LWA station (near the Very Large Array).
The 11th Synthesis Imaging Workshop
10-17 June 2008 Socorro, NM.
The 11th Synthesis Imaging workshop includes significant contributions from LWA-affiliated scientists including 4 of the 25 lectures and an all-day low frequency data reduction tutorial. The school has 144 participants from around the world, and is comprised primarily of graduate and undergraduate students. It is one of the major training mechanisms for interferometry. This year's school is sponsored by UNM, NMT, NRAO, AUI, and the NMCIAS.
Low Frequency Software Workshop
10 August 2008 in Chicago Illinois.
The purpose of this informal workshop is to discuss and share specific techniques and algorithms relevant to low frequency data processing and simulation.
LWA work experience for UNM graduate and undergraduate students - Summer 2009
First of several Work Parties at the LWA-1 construction site (June 24). The LWA summer crew members:
Adam Martinez, LWA Construction Manager and graduate student in Construction Management
AJ Gallardo, undergraduate student in Construction Management
Sunil Danthului, graduate student in Construction Engineering
Sudipta Ghorai, graduate student in Construction Engineering
Volunteer undergraduates, majoring in Astrophysics who participated in the 1st Work Party: Matthew Koppa, Dave Martin, and Anthony OrtizFor photos of the event see our news page.
Students assist with LWA site testing 2007
Ted Jaeger, astronomy graduate student at U. Iowa, and Stefanie Gallegos, a Junior at UNM majoring in Physics/Astronomy, participate in the radio-frequency-interference (RFI) testing at potential LWA sites during the spring semester 2007.
Workshop was held in June 2006 for graduate students and postdocs in astrophysics
10th Summer Synthesis Imaging Workshop was held June 13-20, 2006
at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM, USA
Retirees living at La Vida Llena tour the LWDA site
John and Hélène Dickel - adjunct professors at UNM working on the LWA project and also residents at La Vida Llena (LVL) in Albuquerque - served as Tour Guides for the busload of 22 people from LVL who visited the LWDA and the VLA on May 16, 2007. The tour was so popular that another group from LVL toured the LWDA on October 24, 2007.
LVL residents return to LWDA: La Vida Llena residents tour the LWDA again on October 24, 2007. Prof. John (far right) explains the LWDA. One of the big blade antennas is in the foreground with the LVL van and VLA in the background.
La Vida Llena residents tour the LWDA on May 16, 2007
Left: The LVL van arrives at the site Right - Prof. John (far right) explains the LWDA
Left - Big Blade antenna and LWDA dipoles. Right - LWDA Crew.
Some of the LWDA electronics and site development crew - from left to right:
John Dickel (UNM), Eduardo Aguilera (UNM), Nagini Paravastu (NRL),
Jonathan York (UTexas), and Namir Kassim (NRL).