Publication List for Gregory B. Taylor

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4. "Chapter 3. Low Frequency Arrays" in "The WSPC Handbook of Astronomical Instrumentation Volume 1 Radio Astronomical Instrumentation" , eds. A Wolszczan & D. Burrows, DOI 10.1142/9446 | July 2021,

3. "Handbook of Frequency Allocations and Spectrum Protection for Scientific Uses: Second Edition" Judge, J., Van Zee, L., Blackwell, W. J., Davis, M., Emerson, D., Gaier, T., Jezek, K., Kellermann, K.I., Le Vine, D., Lovell, A., Pearson, T.J., Siqueira, P., Taylor, G.B., & Wilson, T.L., National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2015. doi:10.17226/21774

2. "Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy II", eds. G.B. Taylor, C.L. Carilli, & R.A. Perley, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 180. 1999

1. "IAU Colloquium 164: Radio Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources", eds. J.A. Zensus, G.B. Taylor, & J.M. Wrobel, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 144. 1998

Journal Articles

318. Davis, I., Hallinan, G. et al.
2024, ApJ, submitted
A dedicated system for coordinated radio and optical monitoring of the space weather of young, solar-type stars
317. Kosogorov, N., Hallinan, G. et al.
2024, ApJ, submitted
Implementing Continuous All-Sky Monitoring with the OVRO-LWA to Identify Prompt and Precursor Counterparts of Gravitational Wave Events
316. Shehldahl, E.E., Taylor, G.B., Tremblay, S.E., Peters, W., Kiehlmann, S., Bandford, R.D., Lister, M.L., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Schinzel, F., Siemiginowska, A., & Skalidis, R.
2024, ApJ, in press
Discovery of a New Class of Low Luminosity Compact Symmetric Objects - the Head-Tail Sources
315. Taylor, C.A., Dowell, J., Taylor, G.B., Obenberger, K.S., Chastain, S.I., Verastegui, J., Cordonnier, L.E., Kumar, P., Sheldahl, E., Bruzewski, S., Dolch, T.E., & Siders, C.
2024, JAI, submitted
Design and Commissioning of an LWA Swarm Station: The Long Wavelength Array - North Arm
314. Mondal, S., Das, M., Rubinur, K., Bansal, K., Aniket, N., & Taylor, G.B.
2024, A&A, 691, 279
Detection of the Fe K lines from the binary AGN in 4C+37.11
313. De La Parra, P.V., Readhead, A.C.S., Herbig, T., et al.
2023, ApJ, 977, 2
The Radio Spectra of High Luminosity Compact Symmetric Objects (CSO-2s): Implications for Studies of Compact Jetted Active Galactic Nuclei
312. Bruzewski, S., Dowell, J., Taylor, G.B., & Lindsey, E.
2023, Remote Sensing, 16(14),2554,
A Bifrost Accelerated Intermittent Small Baseline Subset Analysis Pipeline for InSAR Ground Deformation
311. Cordonnier, L.E., Obenberger, K.S., Holmes, J.M., Taylor, G.B., & Vida, D.
2024, Earth and Space Science, submitted
Connections between Meteor Persistent Trains and Ozone Content in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
310. Cordonnier, L.E., Obenberger, K.S., Holmes, J.M., Taylor, G.B., & Vida, D.
2024, JGR Space Physics, 129, e2024JA032643.
Not So Fast: A New Catalog of Meteor Persistent Trains
309. Varghese, S.S., Dowell, J., Obenberger, K.S., Taylor, G.B., Anderson, M., & Hallinan, G.
2024, JGR Space Physics, 129, 2
Spatially Resolved Observations of Meteor Radio Afterglows with the OVRO-LWA
308. Reddy, K., Bowman, J.D., Beardsley, A.P., Taylor, G.B., Dowell, J., & Taylor, C.
2023, The 25th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2023)
An Optimized GPU Kernel for Real-Time Radio Imaging
307. Kumar, P., Taylor, G.B., Stovall, K., Dowell, J., & White, S.M.
2025, ApJS, in press
A multi-frequency census of 100 pulsars below 100 MHz with LWA: a systematic study of flux density, spectra, timing, dispersion, polarization, and its variation from a decade of observations
306. Bruzewski, S., Schinzel, F.K., Taylor, G.B., Demorest, P., Frail, D.A., Kerr, M., & Kumar, P.
2023, ApJ, 958, 163
Cannonball or Bowling Ball: A Proper Motion and Parallax for PSR J0002+6216
305. T. Surti, R.W. Romani, J. Scharwachter, A. Peck, & G.B. Taylor
2024, ApJ, 960, 110
The Central Kinematics and Black Hole Mass of 4C+37.11
304. M. Stock, J. Tilles, G.B. Taylor, J. Dowell, & N. Liu
2023, Remote Sensing
Lightning Interferometry with the Long Wavelength Array
303. M. Murgia, F. Govoni, V. Vacca, F. Loi, L. Feretti, et al.
2024, MNRAS, 528, 6470
Sardinia Radio Telescope observations of the Coma Cluster
302. Readhead, A.C.S., Ravi, V., Blandford, R.D., Sullivan, J., Somalwar, J., Liodakis, I., Lister, M.L., Taylor, G.B., Wilkinson, P.N., Globus, N., Kiehlmann, S., Lawrence, C.R., ONeill, S., Pavlidou, V., Pearson, T.J., Sheldahl, E., Siemiginowska, A., & Tassis, K.
2023, ApJ, 961, 242
The Evolution of Compact Symmetric Objects -- A Possible Connection with Tidal Disruption Events
301. Kiehlmann, S., Readhead, A.C.S., ONeill, S., Wilkinson, P.N., Lister, M.L., Liodakis, I., Bruzewski, S., Pearson, T.J., Sheldahl, E., Siemiginowska, A., Tassis, K., & Taylor, G.B.
2023, ApJ, 961, 241
Compact Symmetric Objects: Confirmation of a Distinct Population of High Luminosity Jetted Active Galaxies
300. Kiehlmann, S., Lister, M.L, Readhead, A.C.S., Liodakis, I., ONeill, S., Pearson, T.J., Sheldahl, E., Siemiginowska, A., Tassis, K., Taylor, G.B., & Wilkinson, P.N.
2023, ApJ, 961, 240
Towards a Comprehensive Catalog of Bona Fide Compact Symmetric Objects
299. Kumar, P., Schinzel, F.K., Taylor, G.B., Kerr, M., Castro, D., Rau, U. & Bhatnagar, S.
2023, ApJ, 944, 129
Resolving the bow shock and tail of the cannonball pulsar PSR J0002+6216
298. Bruzewski, S., Schinzel, F.K., & Taylor, G.B.
2023, ApJ, 943, 51
A Combined Radio Multi-Survey Catalog of Fermi Unassociated Sources
297. Krishnan, H., Beardsley, A., Bowman, J.D., Dowell, J., Kolopanis, M., Taylor, G.B., & Thyagarajan, N.
2022, MNRAS, 520, 1928
Optimization and Commissioning of the EPIC Commensal Radio Transient Imager for the Long Wavelength Array
296. Peirson, A.L., Liodakis, I., Readhead, A.C.S., et al.
2022, ApJ, 927, 24
New Tests of Milli-lensing in the Blazar PKS 1413 + 135
295. Readhead, A.C.S., Kiehlmann, S., Lister, M.L., O'Neill, S., Pearson, T.J., Sheldahl, E., Siemiginowska, A., Taylor, G.B., & Wilkinson, P.N
2021, Astronomische Nachrichten, 342, 1185
What defines a Compact Symmetric Object? A Carefully Vetted Sample of CSOs
294. Kumar, P., White, S.M., Stovall, K., Dowell, J. & Taylor, G.B.
2022, MNRAS, 511, 3937
Pulsar Observations at Low Frequencies: Applications to Pulsar Timing and Solar Wind Models
293. Breiding, P., Burke-Spolaor, S., An, T., Bansal, K., Mohan, P., Taylor, G.B., & Zhang, Y.
2022, ApJ, 933, 143
Deep VLBI Imaging Challenges Previous Evidence of a Binary Supermassive Black Hole Residing in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 7674
292. DiLullo, C., Taylor, G.B., & Dowell, J.
2021, JAI, 10, 2150015
Improvements to the Search for Cosmic Dawn Using the Long Wavelength Array
291. Helmboldt, J.F., Markowski, B.B., Bonanno, D.J., Clarke, T.E., Dowell, J., Hicks, B.C., Kassim, N.E., & Taylor, G.B.
2021, Radio Science, 56, 7
The Deployable Low-band Ionosphere and Transient Experiment (DLITE)
290. Varghese, S.S., Dowell, J., Obenberger, K.S., Taylor, G.B., & Malins, J.
2021, JGR Space Physics, e2021JA029296
Broadband Imaging to Study the Spectral Distribution of Meteor Radio Afterglows
289. Bruzewski, S., Schinzel, F.K., Taylor, G.B. & Petrov, L.
2021, ApJ, 914, 42
Radio Counterpart Candidates to 4FGL-DR2 Unassociated Sources
288. Readhead, A.C.S., Ravi, V., Liodakis, I., Lister, M.L. et al.
2020, ApJ, 907, 61
The Relativistic Jet Orientation and Host Galaxy of the Peculiar Blazar PKS 1413+135
287. Obenberger, K.S., Dowell, J., Fallen, C.T., Holmes, J.M., Taylor, & G.B., Varghese, S.S.
2020, Radio Science, 56, 7169
Using Broadband Radio Noise from Power-Lines to Map and Track Dense Es Structures
286. Giovannini, G., Cau, M., Bonafede, A., Ebeling, H., Feretti, L., Girardi, M., Gitti, M., Govoni, F., Ignesti, A., Murgia, M., Taylor, G.B., & Vacca, V.
2020, A&A, 640, 108
Diffuse Radio Sources in a Statistically Complete Sample of High Redshift Galaxy Clusters
285. Dike, V., Taylor, G.B., Dowell, J., & Stovall, K.
2020, MNRAS, 496, 3623
Detecting Pulsar Polarization below 100 MHz with the Long Wavelength Array
284. Obenberger, K.S., Holmes, J.M., Ard, S.G., Dowell, J., Shuman, N.S., Taylor, G.B., Varghese, S.S., & Viggiano, A.A.
2020, JGR, 129, 9
Association between Meteor Radio Afterglows and Optical Persistent Trains
283. DiLullo, C., Taylor, G.B., & Dowell, J.
2020, JAI, 9, 2050008
Using the Long Wavelength Array to Search for Cosmic Dawn
282. Davis, I., Taylor, G.B., & Dowell, J.
2020, MNRAS, 494, 4848
Observing Flare Stars Below 100 MHz with the LWA
281. Principe, G., Migliore, G., Johnson, T.J., D'Ammando, F., Giroletti, M., Orienti, M., Stanghellini, C., Taylor, G.B., Torresi, E., & Cheung, C.C.
2020, A\&A, 635, 185
NGC3894: a young radio galaxy seen by Fermi-LAT
280. Ruan, D., Taylor, G.B., Dowell, J., Stovall, K., Schinzel, F.K., & Demorest, P.B.
2020, MNRAS, 495, 2125
Discovery of a Pulsar Wind Nebula around B0950+08 with the ELWA
279. Anderson, M., Hallinan, G., Eastwood, M., Monroe, R.M., Callister, T.A., Dowell, J., Hicks, B., Huang, Y., Kassim, N.E., Kocz, J., Lazio, T.J.W., Price, D.C., Schinzel, F., Taylor, G.B,
2019, ApJ, 886, 123
New Limits on the Low-frequency Radio Transient Sky Using 31 hr of All-sky Data with the OVRO─LWA
278. Monroe, R., Hallinan, G., Neiles, A., Eastwood, M., Anderson, M., D'Addario, L., Kocz, J., Cody, D., Woody, D., Schinzel, F., Taylor, G., Greenhill, L., & Price, D.
2019, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A
Self-triggered radio detection and identification of cosmic air showers with the OVRO-LWA
277. Kent, J., Beardsley, A.P., Landman, B., Gull, S.F., Nikolic, B., Dowell, J., Thyagarajan, N., Taylor, G.B., & Bowman, J.
2020, MNRAS, 491, 254
Direct Wide-Field Radio Imaging in Real-Time at High Time Resolution using Antenna Electric Fields
276. Varghese, S.S., Obenberger, K.S., Taylor, G.B., & Dowell, J.
2019, JGR Space Physics, 124, 10749
Testing the Radiation Pattern of Meteor Radio Afterglow
275. Malins, J., Obenberger, K.S., Taylor, G.B., & Dowell, J.
2019, Radio Science, 54, 1129
Three-Dimensional Mapping of Lightning-Produced Ionospheric Reflections
274. Bansal, K., Taylor, G.B., Stovall, K., & Dowell, J.
2020, ApJ, 892, 26
Detection of Echoes in PSR B1508+55 at Frequencies below 100 MHz using the LWA1
273. Anderson, M.M., Hallinan, G.H. Eastwood, M.W., et al.
2019, ApJ, 886, 123
New limits on the low frequency radio transient sky using 31 hours of all-sky data with the OVRO-LWA
272. Kent, J., Dowell, J., Beardsley, A., Thyagarajan, N., Taylor, G.B., & Bowman, J.
2019, MNRAS, 486, 5052
A Real-Time, All-Sky, High Time Resolution, Direct Imager for the Long Wavelength Array
271. Varghese, S.S., Obenberger, K.S., Dowell, J., & Taylor, G.B.
2019, ApJ, 874, 151
Detection of a Low Frequency Cosmic Radio Transient Using Two LWA Stations
270. Bansal, K., Taylor, G.B., Stovall, K., & Dowell, J.
2019, ApJ, 875, 146
A Scattering Study of Pulsars Below 100 MHz Using LWA1
269. Obenberger, K.S., Dowell, J., Malins, J., Parris, R., Pedersen, T. & Taylor, G.B.
2018, Radio Science, 53, 1419
Using Lightning as a HF Signal Source to Produce Ionograms
268. Dowell, J. & Taylor, G.B.
2018, ApJL, 858, L9
The Extragalactic Radio Background Below 100 MHz
267. Dowell, J. & Taylor, G.B.
2018, JAI, 1850006
The Swarm Telescope Concept
266. Vacca, V., Murgia, M., Govoni, F. et al.
2018, MNRAS, 479, 776
Observations of a nearby filament of galaxy clusters with the Sardinia Radio Telescope
265. Abbott, B.P., Abbott, R., et al.
2017, ApJL, 848, L12
Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger
264. Price, D.C., Greenhill, L.J., et al.
2018, MNRAS, 478, 4193
Design and characterization of the Large-Aperture Experiment to Detect the Dark Ages (LEDA) radiometer systems
263. Malins, J.B., White, S., Taylor, G.B., Stovall, K., & Dowell, J.
2018, Radio Science, 53, 724
Modeling the Ionosphere with GPS and Rotation Measure Observations
262. Finzell, T., Chomiuk, L., Metzget, B.D. et al.
2018, ApJ, 852, 108
A Detailed Observational Analysis of V1324 Sco, the most gamma-ray Luminous Classical Nova to Date
261. Hlavacek-Larrondo, J. et al.
2018, MNRAS, 475, 2743
Mystery solved: discovery of extended radio emission in the merging galaxy cluster Abell 2146
260. Cranmer, M.D. et al.
2017, JAI, 6, 175007
Bifrost: a Python/C++ Framework for High-Throughput Stream Processing in Astronomy
259. Loi, F., Murgia, M., Govoni, F., Vacca, V. et al.
2017, MNRAS, 472, 3605
Observations of the galaxy cluster CIZA J2242.8+5301 with the Sardinia Radio Telescope
258. Helmboldt, J.F., & Taylor, G.B.
2020, ESS, 7, 867
All-sky tracking of sporadic-E field-aligned irregularities as a novel probe of thermospheric winds
257. Bansal, K., Taylor, G.B., Peck, A.B., Zavala, R.T., & Romani, R.W.
2017, ApJ, 843, 1
Constraining the orbit of supermassive binary black hole system 0402+379
256. Gendron-Marsolais, M., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Weeren, R., Clarke, T., Fabian, A.C., Intema, H.T., Taylor, G.B., Blundell, K.M., & Sanders, J.S.
2017, MNRAS, 469, 3872
Deep 230-470 MHz VLA Observations of the mini-halo in the Perseus Cluster
255. Govoni, F., et al.
2016, A&A, 603, 122
Sardinia Radio Telescope observations of Abell 194, The intra-cluster magnetic field power spectrum
254. Obengerger, K.S., Holmes, J.M., Dowell, J.D., Schinzel, F.K., Sutton, E.K., & Taylor, G.B.
2016, GRL, 43, 8885
Altitudinal Dependence of Meteor Radio Afterglows Measured via optical meteor counterparts
253. Schinzel, F.K., Petrov, L., Taylor, G.B., & Edwards, P.
2016, ApJS, 838, 139
Radio Follow-up on all 3FGL Unassociated Gamma-ray Sources
252. Taylor, G.B., Stovall, K., McCrackan, M., McLaughlin, M.A., Miller, R., Karako-Argaman, C., Dowell, J. & Schinzel, F.K.
2016, ApJ, 831, 140
Observations of Rotating Radio Transients with the First Station of the Long Wavelength Array
251. Dowell, J., Taylor, G.B., Schinzel, F.K., & Kassim, N.E.
2016, MNRAS, 469, 4537
The LWA1 Low Frequency Sky Survey
250. Werner, N., Canning, R.E.A., Zhuravleva, I., Allen, S.W., King, A., Sanders, J.S., Simionescu, A., Taylor, G.B., Morris, R.G., & Fabian, A.C.
2016, MNRAS, 460, 2752
Deep Chandra study of the truncated cool core of the Ophiuchus cluster
249. Howard, T.A., Stovall, K., Dowell, J., Taylor, G.B., & White, S.M.
2016, ApJ, 831, 208
Measuring the magnetic field of coronal mass ejections near the Sun using pulsars
248. Helmboldt, J.F., & Taylor, G.B.
2016, GRL, submitted
Direct observations of the connection between meteor activity and mid-latitude sporadic-E
247. Fabian, A.C., Walker, S.A., Russell, H.R., Pinto, C., Canning, R.E.A., Salome, P., Sanders, J.S., Taylor, G.B., Zweibel, E.G., Conselice, C.J., Combes, F., Crawford, C.S., Ferland, G.J., Gallagher, J.S., Hatch, N.A., & Johnstone, R.M.
2016, MNRAS, 461, 922
HST Imaging of the dusty filaments and nuclear swirl in NGC 4696
246. Eftekhari, T., Stovall, K., Dowell, J., Schinzel, F.K., & Taylor, G.B.
2016, ApJ, 829, 62
A Low Frequency Survey of Giant Pulses from the Crab Pulsar
245. Obenberger, K.S., Dowell, J., Hancock, P.J., Holmes, J.M., Pedersen, T.R., Schinzel, F.K., & Taylor, G.B.
2016, JGR, 121, 6808
Rates, Flux Densities, and Spectral Indices of Fireball Radio Afterglows
244. Andrade-Santos, F., Bogdan, A., Romani, R.W., Forman, W., Jones, C., Murray, S.S., Taylor, G.B., and Zavala, R.T.
2016, ApJ, 826, 91
Binary Black Holes, Gas Sloshing, and Cold Fronts in the X-ray Halo Hosting 4C+37.11
243. Sanders, J.S., Fabian, A.C., Taylor, G.B., Russell, H.R., Blundell, K.M., Canning, R.E.A., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Walker, S.A., & Grimes, C.K.
2016, MNRAS, 457, 82
A very deep Chandra view of metals, sloshing and feedback in the Centaurus cluster of galaxies
242. Yancey, C., Bear, B., Akukwe, B., Dowell, J., Gough, J., Kanner, J., Obenberger, K., Shawhan, P., Simonnetti, J., Taylor, G.B., Tsai, J-W., & Kavic, M.
2015, ApJ, 812, 168
Multi-messenger astronomy of gravitational-wave sources with flexible wide-area radio transient surveys
241. Boeck, M., et al.
2016, A&A, 590, 40
Radio and Gamma-ray Properties of Extragalactic Jets from the TANAMI Sample
240. Obenberger, K.S., Taylor, G.B., Lin, C.S., Dowell, J., Schinzel, F.K., & Stovall, K.
2015, JGRA, 120, 9916
Dynamic Radio Spectra from two Fireballs
239. Mueller, C. et al.
2015, A&A, 574, 117
A redshifted Fe Kα line from the unusual γ-ray source PMN J1603−4904
238. Kocz, J., Greenhill, L.J., Barsdell, B.R., Price, D., Bernardi, G., Bourke, S., Clark, M.A., Craig, J., Dexter, M., Dowell, J., Eftekhari, T., Ellingson, S., Hallinan, G., Hartman, J., Jameson, A., MacMahon, D., Taylor, G.B., Schinzel, F., & Werthimer, D.
2015, JAI, 450003
Digital Signal Processing using Stream High Performance Computing: A 512-input Broadband Correlator for Radio Astronomy
237. Stovall, K., Ray, P.S., Blythe, J., Dowell, J., Eftekhari, T., Garcia, A., Lazio, T.J.W., McCrackan, M., Schinzel, F.K., & Taylor, G.B..
2015, ApJ, 808, 156
Pulsar Observations Using the First Station of the Long Wavelength array and the LWA Pulsar Data Archive
236. Obenberger, K.S., Taylor, G.B., Hartman, J.M., Clarke, T.E., Dowell, J., Dubois, A., Dubois, D., Henning, P.A., Lazio, J., Michalak, S., & Schinzel, F.K.
2015, 4, 1550004
Monitoring the Sky with the Prototype All-Sky Imager on the LWA1
235. Schinzel, F.K., Petrov, L., Taylor, G.B., Mahony, E.K., Edwards, P.G., & Kovalev, Y.Y.
2015, ApJS, 217, 4
New Radio Associations of Gamma-Ray Sources from the Fermi Second Source Catalog
234. Paragi, Z., et al.
2015, Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14), 143
Very Long Baseline Interferometry with the SKA
233. Taylor, G.B.
2014, Nature, 511, 35
A tight duo in a trio
232. Chomiuk, L., Linford, J.D., Yang, J., et al.
2014, Nature, 514, 339
Binary orbits as the driver of gamma-ray emission and mass ejection in classical novae
231. Clarke, T.E., Higgins, C., Skarda, J., Imai, K., Imai, M., Reyes, F., Thieman, J., Jaeger, T., Schmitt, H., Dalal, N.P., Dowell, J., Ellingson, S.W., Hicks, B., Schinzel, F.K, & Taylor, G.B.
2014, JGR, 119, 9508
Probing Jovian Decametric Emission with the Long Wavelength Array Station 1
230. Sanders, J.S., Fabian, A.C., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Russell, H.R., Taylor, G.B., Hofmann, F., Tremblay, G., & Walker, S.A.
2014, MNRAS, 444, 1497
Feedback, scatter and structure in the core of the PKS 0745-191 galaxy cluster
229. Obenberger, K.S., Taylor, G.B., Hartman, J.M., Dowell, J., Ellingson, S.W., Helmboldt, J.F., Henning, P.A., Kavic, M., Schinzel, F.K, Simonetti, J.H., Stovall, K. & Wilson, T.L.
2014, ApJ, 788, L26
Detection of Radio Emission from Fireballs
228. Tsai, J., Simonetti, J., Akukwe, B., Bear, B., Cutchin, S., Dowell, J., Gough, J., Kanner, J., Kassim, N., Schinzel, F., Shawhan, P., Taylor, G.B., Yancey, C., Quezada, L., & Kavic, M.
2015, AJ, 149, 65
Observations of Giant Pulses from Pulsar B0950+08 using LWA1
227. Kocz, J., Greenhill, L.J., Bernardi, G., Jameson, A., Barsdell, B.R., Craig, J., Taylor, G.B., Schinzel, F., & Wertheimer, D.
2014, JAI, 3, 450002
A Scalable Hybrid FPGA/GPU FX Correlator
226. Romani, R.W., Forman, W.R., Jones, C., Murray, S.S., Readhead, A.C.S., Taylor, G.B., & Zavala, R.T.
2014, 780, 149
A Multi-Wavelength Study of the Host Environment of SMBHB 4C+37.11
225. Obenberger, K.S., Hartman, J.M., Taylor, G.B., Craig., J., Dowell, J., Helmboldt, J.F., Henning, P.A., Schinzel, F.K, & Wilson, T.L.
2014, ApJ, 785, 27
Limits on GRB Prompt Radio Emission Using the LWA1
224. Mueller, C. et al.
2014, A&A, 562, 4
The unusual multiwavelength properties of the gamma-ray source PMN J1603−4904
223. van der Horst, A.J., et al.
2013, MNRAS, 436, 2625
Broadband monitoring tracing the evolution of the jet and disk in the black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1659−152
222. DeBoer, D.R., Judge, J., Blackwell, W., Cruz-Pol, S., Davis, M., Gaier, T., Kellermann, K., Le Vine, D., Magnani, L., McKague, D., Pearson, T., Rogers, A.E., Taylor, G.B., Thompson, A.R., van Zee, L.
2013, National Academy of Sciencies
Views of the U.S. NAS and NAE on Agenda Items at Issue at the World Radiocommunication Conference 2015
221. Dowell, J., Ray, P.S., Taylor, G.B., Blythe, J.N., Clarke, T., Craig, J., Ellingson, S.W., Helmboldt, J.F., Henning, P.A., Lazio, J., Schinzel, F., Stovall, K., & Wolfe, C.N.
2013, ApJL, 775, L28
Detection and Flux Density Measurements of the Millisecond Pulsar J2145−0750 below 100 MHz
220. Moin, A., Miller-Jones, J.C.A., Tingay, S.J., Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., Wang, Z., Reynolds, C., & Phillips, C.J.
2013, ApJ, 779, 105
Radio Observations of GRB 100418A: Test of an Energy Injection Model Explaining Long-Lasting GRB Afterglows
219. Marr, J.M., Perry, T.M, Read, J., Taylor, G.B., & Morris, A.O.
2014, ApJ, 780, 178
Multi-Frequency Optical-Depth Maps and the Case for Free-Free Absorption in Two Compact Symmetric Radio Sources: the CSO candidate J1324+4048 and the CSO J0029+3457
218. Liuzzo, E., Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G., Boccardi, B., Tamburri, S., Taylor, G.B., Casadio, M., Kadler, M. Tosti, G., & Mignano, A.
2013, A&A, 560, 23
Exploring the bulk of the BL Lac object population: 1. parsec-scale radio structures
217. Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Allen, S.W., Taylor, G.B., Fabian, A.C., Canning, R.E.A., Werner, N., Sanders, J.S., Grimes, C.K., Eihlert, S., \& Von Der Linden, A.
2013, ApJ, 777, 163
Probing the Extreme Realm of AGN Feedback in the Massive Galaxy Cluster, RX J1532.9+3021
216. Helmboldt, J.F., Ellingson, S.W., Taylor, G.B., Wilson, T.L., \& Wolfe, C.N.
2014, Radio Science, 49, 3
All-sky imaging of meteor trails at 55.25 MHz with the first station of the Long Wavelength Array
215. Ellingson, S.W., Clarke, T.E., Craig, J., Hicks, B.C., Lazio, T.J.W., Taylor, G.B., Wilson, T.L., & Wolfe, C.N.
2013, ApJ, 768, 136
Observations of Crab Giant Pulses in 20-84 MHz using the LWA1
214. Paragi, Z., van der Horst, A.J., Belloni, T., Miller-Jones, J.C.A., Linford, J., Taylor, G.B., Yang, J., Garrett, M.A., Granot, J., Kouveliotou, C., Kuulkers, E., \& Wijers, R.A.M.J.
2013, MNRAS, 432, 1319
VLBI observations of the shortest orbital period black hole binary, MAXI J1659−152
213. Helmboldt, J.F., Clarke, T.E., Craig, J., Ellingson, S.W., Hartman, J.M., Hicks, B.C., Kassim, N.E., Taylor, G.B., \& Wolfe, C.N.
2013, Radio Science, 48, 491
Passive over-the-horizon radar with WWV and the first station of the Long Wavelength Array
212. Liuzzo, E., Buttiglione, S., Giovannini, G., Giroletti, M., Capetti, S., & Taylor, G.B.
2013, A&A, 550, 76
Compact sources in the Bologna Complete Sample: high resolution VLA observations and optical data
211. Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Fabian, A.C., Edge, A.C., Ebeling, H., Allen, S.W., Sanders, J.S., & Taylor, G.B.
2013, MNRAS, 431, 1638
The rapid evolution of AGN feedback in brightest cluster galaxies: switching from quasar-mode to radio-mode feedback
210. Weisskopf, M.C. et al.
2013, ApJ, 765, 56
Chandra, Keck and VLA Observations of the Crab Nebula during the 2011-April Gamma-ray Flare
209. DeBoer, D.R., Cruz-Pol, S., Davis, M., Gaier, T., Feldman, P., Judge, J., Kellermann, K., Long, D.G., Magnani, L., McKague, D., Pearson, T., Rogers, A.E., Reising, S.C., Taylor, G.B., Thompson, A.R., van Zee, L.
2013, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 51, 4918
Radio Frequencies: Policy and Management
208. Schinzel, F.K., Lobanov, A.P., Taylor, G.B., Jorstad, S.G., Marscher, A.P., & Zensus, J.A.
2012, A&A, 537, 70
Relativistic outflow drives gamma-ray emission in 3C345
207. Linford, J.D., Taylor, G.B., & Schinzel, F.K.
2012, ApJ, 757, 25
Gamma-Ray Loudness, Synchrotron Peak Frequency, and Parsec-scale Properties of Blazars Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope
206. Ellingson, S.W., Taylor, G.B., Craig, J., Hartman, J., Dowell, J., Wolfe, C.N., Clarke, T.E., Hicks, B.C., Kassim, N.E., Ray, P.S., Rickard, L.J., Schinzel, F.K., & Weiler, K.W.
2013, IEEE Transacations on Antennas and Propagation, 61, 2540
The LWA1 Radio Telescope
205. Dowell, J., Wood, D., Stovall, K., Ray, P., & Taylor, G.B.
2012, JAI, 1, 50006, astro-ph/1209.1576
The Long Wavelength Array Software Library
204. Taylor, G.B., Ellingson, S.W., Kassim, N.E., Craig, J., Dowell, J., Wolfe, C.N., Hartman, J. et al.
2012, JAI, 1, 50004, astro-ph/1206.6733
First Light for the First Station of the Long Wavelength Array
203. Mesler, R.A., Pihlstrom, Y.M., Taylor, G.B., & Granot, J.
2012, ApJ, 759, 4
VLBI and Archival VLA and WSRT Observations of the GRB 030329 Radio Afterglow
202. Russell, H.R., Fabian, A.C., Taylor, G.B., Sanders, J.S., Blundell, K.M., Crawford, C.S., Johnstone, R.M., & Belsoe, E.
2012, MNRAS, 422, 590
The X-ray luminous cluster underlying the z=1.04 blazar PKS 1229-021
201. Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Fabian, A.C., Edge, A.C., Ebeling, H., Sanders, J.S., Hogan, M.T., & Taylor, G.B.
2012, MNRAS, 421, 1360
Extreme AGN feedback in the MAssive Cluster Survey: a detailed study of X-ray cavities above z > 0.3
200. Linford, J., D., Taylor, G.B., Romani, R.W., Helmboldt, J.F., Readhead, A.C.S., Reeves, R., & Richards, J.L..
2012, ApJ, 744, 177
Contemporaneous VLBA 5 GHz Observations of Large Area Telescope Detected Blazars
199. An, T., Wu, F., Yang, J., Taylor, G.B., Hong, X., Baan, W.A., Liu, X., Wang, M., Zhang, H., Wang, W., Chen, X., Cui, L, Hao, L., & Zhu, X.
2012, ApJS, 198, 5A
VLBI Observations of 10 Compact Symmetric Object Candidates: Expansion Velocities of Hot Spots
198. Tremblay, S.E., Taylor, G.B., Ortiz, A.A., Tremblay, C.D., Helmboldt, J.F., Romani, R.W., \& Shaw, M.S
2016, MNRAS, 459, 820
Compact Symmetric Objects and Supermassive Binary Black Holes in the VLBA Imaging and Polarimetry Survey
197. Vacca, V., Govoni, F., Murgia, M., Giovannini, G., Feretti, L., Tugnoli, M., Verheijen, M.A., & Taylor, G.B.
2011, A&A, 535, A82
Discovery of diffuse emission in the galaxy cluster A1689
196. Petrov, L. & Taylor, G.B.
2011, AJ, 142, 89
Precise Absolute Astrometry from the VLBA Imaging and Polarimetry Survey at 5 GHz
195. Kataoka, J., Stawarz, L., Takahashi, Y., Cheung, C.C., Hayashida, M., Grandi, P., Burnett, T.H., Celotti, A., Fegan, S.J., Fortin, P., Maeda, K., Nakamori, T., Taylor, G.B., Tosti, G., Digel, S.W., McConville, W., Finke, J., & Ammando, F.D.
2011, ApJ, 740, 29
Broad Line Radio Galaxies Observed with Fermi-LAT: The Origin of the GeV gamma-ray Emission
194. Fabian, A.C., Sanders, J.S., Allen, S.W., Canning, R.E.A., Churazov, E., Crawford, C.S., Forman, W., GaBany, J., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Johnstone, R.M., Russell, H.R., Reynolds, C.S., Salome, P., Taylor, G.B., & Young, A.J.
2011, MNRAS, 418, 2154
A wide Chandra view of the core of the Perseus cluster
193. Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Fabian, A.C., Sanders, J.S., & Taylor, G.B.
2011, MNRAS, 415, 3520
AGN Feedback and iron enrichment in the powerful radio galaxy 4C+55.16
192. Werner, N., Sun, M., Bagchi, J., Allen, S.W., Taylor, G.B., Sirothia, S.A., Simionescu, A., Million, E.T., Jacab, J., & Donahue, M.
2011, MNRAS, 415, 3369
Violent interaction between the active galactic nucleus and the hot gas in the core of the galaxy cluster Sersic 159-03
191. Vacca, V., Murgia, M., Govoni, F., Feretti, L., Giovannini, G., Perley, R.A., & Taylor, G.B.
2012, A&A, 540, A38
The intra-cluster magnetic field power spectrum in Abell 2199
190. Mueller, C. et al.
2011, A&A, 530, L11
Dual-frequency VLBI study of Centaurus A on sub-parsec scales: The highest- resolution view of an extragalactic jet
189. Ackermann, A. et al.
2011, ApJ, 741, 30
The radio/gamma-ray connection in Active Galactic Nuclei in the era of the Fermi Large Area Telescope
188. Richards, J., Max-Moerbeck, W., Pavlidou, V., King, O.G., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Reeves, R., Shepherd, M.C., Stevenson, M.A., Weintraub, L.C., Fuhrmann, L., Angelakis, E., Zensus, J.A., Healey, S.E., Romani, R., Shaw, M., Grainge, K., Birkinshaw, M., Lancaster, K., Worrall, D.M., Taylor, G.B., Cotter, G., & Bustos, R.
2011, ApJ, 194, 29
Blazars in the FERMI era: The OVRO 40-m Telescope Monitoring Program
187. Simionescu, A., Allen, S.W., Mantz, A., Werner, N., Takei, Y, Morris, R.G, Fabian, A.C., Sanders, J.S., Nulsen, P.E.J., George, M., & Taylor, G.B.
2011, Science, 331, 1576
Baryons at the Edge of the X-ray Brightest Galaxy Cluster
186. Henning, P., Ellingson, S.W., Taylor, G.B., Craig, J., Pihlstrom, Y., Rickard, L.J., Clarke, T., Kassim, N.E., & Cohen, A.
2010, Proc. Sci., astro-ph/1009.0666
The First Station of the Long Wavelength Array
185. Linford, J.D., Taylor, G.B., Romani, R., Healey, S., Helmboldt, J.F., Readhead, A.C.S., Reeves, R., Richards, J., & Cotter, G.
2011, ApJ, 726, 16, astro-ph/1010.5812
Characteristics of Gamma-Ray Loud Blazars in the VLBA Imaging and Polarimetry Survey
184. Taylor, G.B. & Zavala, R.T.
2010, ApJL, 722, L183, astro-ph/1009.3465
Are There Rotation Measure Gradients Across Active Galactiv Nuclei Jets?
183. Ehlert, S., Allen, S.W., von der Linden, A., Simionescu, A., Werner, N., Taylor, G.B., Gentile, Ebeling, H., Allen, M.T., Applegate, D., Dunn, R.J.H., Fabian, A.C., Kelly, P., Million, E.T., Morris, R.G., Sanders, J.S., & Schmidt, R.W.
2011, MNRAS, 411, 1641
Extreme Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback and Cool-Core Destruction in the X-ray Luminous Galaxy Cluster MACS J1931.8-2634
182. van der Horst, A.J., Kamble, A.P., Paragi, Z., Sage, L.J., Pal, S., Taylor, G.B., Kouveliotou, C., Granot, J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Ishwara-Chandra, C.H., Osterloo, T.A., Wijers, R.A.M.J., Wiersema, K., Strom, R.G., Bhattacharya, D., Rol, E., Starling, R.L.C., Curran, P.A., & Garrett, M.A.
2010, ApJ, 726, 99
Detailed Radio View on Two Stellar Explosions and Their Host Galaxy: XRF 080109/SN2008D and SN2007UY in NGC 2770
181. Werner, N., Simionescu, A., Million, E.T., Allen, S.W., Nulsen, P.E.J., von der Linden, A., Hansen, S.M., Bohringer, H., Churazov, E., Fabian, A.C., Forman, W.R., Jones, C., Sanders, J.S., & Taylor, G.B.
2010, MNRAS, 407, 2063
Feedback under the microscope II: heating, gas uplift, and mixing in the nearest cluster core
180. Abdo, A. et al.
2010, ApJS, 715, 429
The First Catalog of Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope
179. Tremblay, S.E., Taylor, G.B., Richards, J.L., Readhead, A.C.S., Helmboldt, J.F., Romani, R.W., & Healey, S.E.
2010, ApJ, 712, 159
J16021+3326: New Multi-Frequency Observations of a Complex Sources
178. Liuzzo, E., Giovannini, G., Giroletti, M., Taylor, G.B.,
2010, A&A, 516, 1
Parsec-scale Properties of Brightest Cluster Galaxies
177. Rosario, D.J., Shields, G., Taylor, G.B., Salviander, S. Smith, K.L.
2010, ApJ, 716, 131
The Jet-Driven Outflow in the Radio Galaxy SDSSJ1517+3353: Implications for Double-Peaked Narrow-Line Active Galactic Nucleus
176. Abdo, A. et al.
2010, nature, 463, 919
A change in the optical polarization associated with a gamma-ray flare in the blazar 3C279
175. Dunn, R.J.H., Allen, S.W., Taylor, G.B., Shurkin, K.F., Gentile, G., Fabian, A.C., & Reynolds, C.S.
2010, MNRAS, 404, 180
The radio properties of a complete, X-ray selected sample of nearby, massive elliptical galaxies
174. Million, E.T., Allen, S.W., Werner, N., & Taylor, G.B.
2010, MNRAS, 405, 1624
Ram pressure stripping of the cool core of the Ophiuchus Cluster
173. Paragi, Z., Taylor, G.B., Kouveliotou, C., Granot, J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Bietenholz, M., van der Horst, A.J., Pidopryhora, Y., van Langevelde, H.J., Garrett, M.A., Szomoru, A., Argo, M. & Paczynski, B.
2009, Nature, 463, 516
A mildly relativistic radio jet from the otherwise normal Type Ic Supernova 2007gr
172. Abdo, A. et al.
2009, ApJ, 707, 55
Fermi Large Area Telescope Gamma-Ray Detection of the Radio Galaxy M87
171. Liuzzo, E., Giovannini, G., Giroletti, M., Taylor, G.B.,
2009, A&A, 505, 509, astro-ph/0908.4391
The Bologna Complete Sample of radio sources II - phase referenced observations of faint nuclear sources
170. Ojha, R., Kadler, M., Boeck, M., Dutka, M.S., Edwards, P.G., Fey, A.L., Fuhrmann, L., Gaume, R.A., Hase, H., Horiuchi, S., Jauncey, D.L., Johnston, K.J., Katz, U., Lister, M., Lovell, J.e.J., Muller, C., Plotz, C., Quick, J.F.H., Ros, E., Taylor, G. B., Thompson, D.J., Tingay, S.J., Tosti, G., Tzioumis, A.K., Wilms, J., & Zensus, J.A.
2010, A&A, 519, 45
TANAMI: Tracking Active Galactic Nuclei with Austral Milliarcsecond ÃInterferometry
169. Bonafede, A., Feretti, L., Giovannini, G., Govoni, F., Murgia, M., Taylor, G.B., Ebeling, H., Allen, S., Gentile, G. & Pihlstrom, Y.
2009, A&A, 503, 707
Revealing the magnetic field in a distant galaxy cluster: discovery ofthe complex radio emission from MACS J0717.5+3745
168. Araya, E.D., Rodriguez, C., Pihlstrom, Y., Taylor, G.B., Tremblay, S., & Vermeulen, R.C.
2010, AJ, 2010, 139
VLBA Observations of HI in the Archetype Compact Symmetric Object B2352+495
167. Healey, S.E., Fuhrmann, L., Taylor, G.B., Romani, R.W., & Readhead, A.C.S.
2009, AJ, 138, 1032, astro-ph/0907.0788 Ÿ
Filling the Gaps in the 4.85 GHz Sky
166. Abdo, A. et al.
2009, ApJ, 699, 31
Fermi Discovery of Gamma-Ray Emission from NGC 1275
165. Liuzzo, E., Taylor, G.B., Giovannini, G., & Giroletti, M.
2009, A&A, 501, 933
The parsec-scale properties of the radio galaxy 4C 26.42 in the dense cooling core cluster A1795
164. Sanders, J.S., Fabian, A.C., & Taylor, G.B.
2009, MNRAS, 396, 1449, astro-ph/0904.1374
Feedback through multiple outbursts in the cluster 2A 0335+096
163. Abdo, A. et al.
2009, ApJ, 700, 597, astro-ph/0902.1559
Bright Active Galactic Nuclei Source List from the First Three Months of the Fermi Large Area Telescope All-Sky Survey
162. Murgia, M., Govoni, F., Markevitch, M., Feretti, L., Giovannini, G., Taylor, G.B., & Carretti, E.
2009, A&A, 499, 679
Comparative analysis of the diffuse radio emission in the galaxy clusters A1835, A2029, and Ophiuchus
161. Taylor, G.B., Charlot, P., Vermeulen, R.C., & Pradel, N.
2009, ApJ, 698, 1282
Monitoring the Bidirectional Jets of the Radio Galaxy 1946+708
160. Rodriguez, C., Taylor, G.B., Zavala, R.T., Pihlstrom, Y.M., & ŸPeck, A.B.
2009, ApJ, 697, 37
HI Observations of the Supermassive Binary Black Hole System in 0402+379
159. Ellingson, S.W., Clarke, T.E., Cohen, A., Craig, J., Kassim, N.E., Pihlstrom, Y., Rickard, L.J., & Taylor, G.B..
2008, PIEEE, 97, 1421
The Long Wavelength Array
158. Govoni, F., Murgia, M., Markevitch, M., Feretti, L., Giovannini, G., Taylor, G.B., & Carretti, E.
2009, A&A, 499, 371
A search for diffuse radio emission in the relaxed, cool-core galaxy clusters A1068, A1413, A1650, A1835, A2029, and Ophiuchus
157. Sanders, J.S., Fabian, A.C., & Taylor, G.B.
2009, MNRAS, 393, 71, astro-ph/08110743
Giant cavities, cooling and metallicity substructure in Abell 2204
156. Espada, D., Matsushita, S., Peck, A., Henkel, C., Iono, D., Israel, F., Muller, S., Petitpas, G., Pihlstrom, Y., Taylor, G.B., & Dinh-V-Trung
2009, ApJ, 695, 116
Disentangling the Circumnuclear Environs of Centaurus A: I. High resolution Circumnuclear Molecular Gas Imaging
155. Dymond, K.F. et al.
2011, Radio Science, 46, RS5010 Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance Observed from the Ground and from Space
154. Schinzel, F.K., Taylor, G.B., Stockdale, C.J., Granot, J., & Ramirez-Ruiz, E.
2009, ApJ, 691, 1380
SN 2001em: Not So Fast
153. Tremblay, S.E., Taylor, G.B., Helmboldt, J.F., Fassnacht, C.D., & Pearson, T.J.
2008, ApJ, 684, 153
A Shrinking Compact Symmetric Object: J11584+2450?
152. Shurkin, K., Dunn, R.J.H., Gentile, G., Taylor, G.B., and Allen, S.W.
2008, MNRAS, 383, 923
Active Galactic Nuclei-Induced Cavities in NGC 1399 and NGC 4649
151. Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G., Cotton, W.D., Taylor, G.B., Perez-Torres, M.A., Chiaberge, M., & Edwards, P.G.
2008, A&A, 488, 905, astro-ph/0807.1786
The jet of Markarian 501 from millions of Schwarschild radii down to a few hundreds
150. Helmboldt, J.F., Taylor, G.B., Blandford, R.D., & Walker, R.C.
2008, ApJ, 681, 897, astro-ph/0803.1173
A Statistical Description of AGN Jet Evolution from the VLBA Imaging and Polarimetry Survey (VIPS)
149. Giovannini, G., Giroletti, M., & Taylor, G.B.
2007, A&A, 474, 409
B2 1144+35B, a Giant Low Power Radio Galaxy with Superluminal Motion: Orientation and Evidence for Recurrent Activity
148. Taylor, G.B., Healey, S., Helmboldt, J.F., Tremblay, S., Fassnacht, C.D., Walker, R.C., Sjouwerman, L.O., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Weintraub, L., Gehrels, N., Romani, R.W., Michelson, P.F., Blandford, R.D., & Cotter, G.
2007, ApJ, 671, 1355
Characteristics of EGRET Blazars in the VLBA Imaging and Polarimetry Survey (VIPS)
147. Taylor, G.B., Fabian, A.C., Gentile, G., Allen, S.W., Crawford, C., & Sanders, J.S.
2007, MNRAS, 382, 67
Fields and Filaments in the Centaurus Cluster
146. Britzen, S., Vermeulen, R.C., Campbell, R.M., Taylor, G.B., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Xu, W., Browne, I.W.A., Henstock, D.R., and Wilkinson, P.
2008, A&A, 484, 119
A Multi-Epoch VLBI Survey of the Kinematics of CJF Sources. Part 2: Analysis of the Kinematics
145. Pihlstrom, Y., Taylor, G.B., Granot, J., & Doeleman, S.
2007, ApJ, 664, 411
Stirring the Embers: High Sensitivity VLBI observations of GRB 030329
144. Healey, S.E., Romani, R.W., Taylor, G.B., Sadler, E.M., Ricci, R., Murphy, T., Ulvestad, J.S., & Winn, J.N.
2007, ApJ, 171, 61
CRATES: An All-Sky Survey of Flat-Spectrum Radio Sources
143. Gentile, G., Rodriguez, C., Taylor, G.B., Giovannini, G., Allen, S.W., Lane, W.M., & Kassim, N.E.
2007, ApJ, 659, 225
Monitoring the Bi-Directional Relativistic Jets of the Radio Galaxy 3C338
142. Helmboldt, J.F., Taylor, G.B., Tremblay, S., Fassnacht, C.D., Walker, R.C., Myers, S.T., Sjouwerman, L.O., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Weintraub, L., Gehrels, N., Romani, R.W., Healey, S., Michelson, P.F., Blandford, R.D., & Cotter, G.
2007, ApJ, 658, 203, astro-ph/0611459
The VLBA Imaging and Polarimetry Survey at 5 GHz
141. Taylor, G.B. & Granot, J.
2006, Mod. Phys. Lett. A., 21, 2171, astro-ph/0609595
The Giant Flare from SGR 1806-20 and its Radio Afterglow
140. Govoni, F., Murgia, M., Feretti, L., Giovannini, G., Dolag, K., & Taylor, G.B.
2006, A&A, 460, 425
The Intracluster Magnetic Field Power Spectrum in Abell 2255
139. Rodriguez, C., Taylor, G.B., Zavala, R.T., Peck, A.B., Pollack, L. K. & Romani, R. W..
2006, ApJ, 646, 49, astro-ph/0604042
A Compact Supermassive Binary Black Hole System
138. Allen, S.W., Dunn, R.J.H., Fabian, A.C., Taylor, G.B., & Reynolds, C.S.
2006, MNRAS, 372, 21, astro-ph/0602549
The relation between accretion rate and jet power in X-ray luminous elliptical galaxies
137. Taylor, G.B., Gugliucci, N.E., Fabian, A.C., Sanders, J.S., Gentile, G. & Allen, S.W.
2006, MNRAS, 368, 1500, astro-ph/0602622
Magnetic Fields in the Center of the Perseus Cluster
136. Fender, R.P.,Muxlow, T.W.B., Garrett, M.A., Kouveliotou, C., Gaensler, B.M., Garrington, S.T., Paragi, Z., Tudose, V., Miller-Jones, J.C.A., Spencer, R.E., Wijers, R.A.M., and Taylor, G.B.
2006, MNRAS, 367, L6
Structure in the radio counterpart to the 2004 December 27 giant flare from SGR 1806-20
135. Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G., Taylor, G.B., & Falomo, R.
2006, ApJ, 646, 801
A sample of low-redshift BL Lacertae objects. II
134. Fabian, A.C., Sanders, J.S., Taylor, G.B., Allen, S.W., Crawford, C.S., Johnstone, R.M., & Iwasawa, K.
2006, MNRAS, 366, 417
A very deep Chandra observation of the Perseus cluster: shocks, ripples and conduction
133. Gugliucci, N.E., Taylor, G.B., Peck, A.B., & Giroletti, M.
2007, ApJ, 661, 78
Polarimetry of Compact Symmetric Objects
132. Taylor, G.B., Sanders, J.S., Fabian, A.C., & Allen, S.W.
2006, MNRAS, 365, 705
The low-power nucleus of PKS 1246-410 in the Centaurus Cluster
131. Dunn, R.J.H., Fabian, A.C., & Taylor, G.B.
2005, MNRAS, 364, 1343
Radio Bubbles in Clusters of Galaxies
130. Taylor, G.B., Gelfand, J.D., Gaensler, B.M., Granot, J., Kouveliotou, C., Fender, R.P., Rameriz-Ruiz, E., Eichler, D., Lyubarsky, Y.E., Garrett, M., and Wijers, R.A.M.J.
2005, ApJL, 634, 93
The Growth, Polarization, and Motion of the Radio Afterglow from the Giant Flare from SGR 1806-20
129. Wrobel, J.M., Taylor, G.B., Rector, T.A., Myers, S.T. and Fassnacht, C.D.
2005, AJ, 130, 923
Faint Radio Sources in the NOAO Bootes Field. VLBA Imaging and Optical Identifications
128. Britzen, S., Vermeulen, R.C., Taylor, G.B., Campbell, R.M., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Xu, W., Browne, I.W.A., Henstock, D.R., and Wilkinson, P.
2007, A&A, 472, 763
A Multi-Epoch VLBI Survey of the Kinematics of CJF Sources. Part 1: Model Fit Parameters and Maps
127. Granot, J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Taylor, G.B., Eichler, D., Lyubarsky, Y.E., Wijers, R.A.M.J., Gaensler, B.M., Fender, R.P., Gelfand, J.D., Kouveliotou, C., & Woods, P.M.
2006, ApJ, 638, 391
Diagnosing the Outflow from the SGR 1806-20 Giant Flare with Radio Observations
126. Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G., & Taylor, G.B.
2005, A&A, 441, 89
125. Gelfand, J.D., Lyubarsky, Y.E., Eichler, D., Gaensler, B.M., Taylor, G.B., Granot, J., Newton McGee, K.J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Kouveliotou, C., \& Wijers, R.A.M.J.
2005, ApJL, 634, 89
A Re-Brightening of the Radio Nebula Associated with the 2004 December 27 Giant Flare from SGR 1806-20
124. Fabian, A.C., Sanders, J.S., Taylor, G.B., & Allen, S.W.
2005, MNRAS, 360, L20, astro-ph/0503154
A deep Chandra observation of the Centaurus cluster: bubbles, filaments and edges
123. Gaensler, B. M., Kouveliotou, C., Gelfand, J. D., Taylor, G. B., Eichler, D., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Granot, J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Lyubarsky, Y. E., Hunstead, R. W., Campbell-Wilson, D., van der Horst, A. J., McLaughlin, M. A., Fender, R. P., Garrett, M. A., Newton-McGee, K. J., Palmer, D. M., Gehrels, N., and Woods, P. M.
2005, Nature, 434, 1104, astro-ph/0502393
An expanding radio nebula produced by a giant flare from the magnetar SGR 1806-20
122. Zavala, R.T., & Taylor, G.B.
2005, ApJ, 626, L73
Faraday Rotation Measure Gradients from a Helical Magnetic Field in 3C273
121. Taylor, G.B., Fassnacht, C.D., Sjouwerman, L.O., Myers, S.T., Ulvestad, J.S., Walker, R.C., Fomalont, E.B., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Gehrels, N., & Michelson, P.F.
2005, ApJS, 159, 27, astro-ph/0503234
VLBA Imaging Polarimetry of Active Galactic Nuclei -- An Automated Approach
120. Fabian, A.C., Reynolds, C.S., Taylor, G.B., & Dunn, R.J.H.
2005, MNRAS, 363, 891, astro-ph/0501222
On Viscosity, Conduction and Sound Waves in the Intracluster Medium
119. Granot, J. & Taylor, G.B.
2005, ApJ, 625, 263, astro-ph/0412309
Radio Flares and the Magnetic Field Structure in GRB Outflows
118. Taylor, G.B., Momjian, E., Pihlstrom, Y., Ghosh, T., & Salter, C.
2005, ApJ, 622, 986, astro-ph/0412483
Late Time Observations of the Afterglow and Environment of GRB 030329
117. Pollack, L.K., Taylor, G.B., & Allen, S.W.
2004, MNRAS, 359, 1229, astro-ph/0503250
VLA Polarimetry Observations of PKS 2322-123; Estimating Magnetic Fields in the Abell 2597 Cluster
116. Gugliucci, N.E., Taylor, G.B., Peck, A.B., & Giroletti, M.
2004, ApJ, 622, 136, astro-ph/0412199
Dating COINS: Kinematic Ages for Compact Symmetric Objects
115. Giroletti, M., Taylor, G.B., & Giovannini, G.
2004, ApJ, 622, 178, astro-ph/0412204
The two sided parsec scale structure of the Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nucleus in NGC 4278
114. Cartwright, J.K., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Shepherd, M.C., Sievers, J.L. & Taylor, G.B.
2004, ApJ, 623, 11, astro-ph/0502174
Limits on the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation at Multipoles of l ~ 2000
113. Govoni, F., Murgia, M., Feretti, L., Giovannini, G., Dallacasa, D., Taylor, G.B.
2004, A&A, 430, L5, astro-ph/0411720
A2255: the First Detection of Filamentary Polarized Emission in a Radio Halo
112. Ulvestad, J.S., Wong, D.S., Taylor, G.B., Gallimore, J.F., & Mondell, C.G.
2005, AJ, 130, 936
VLBA Identification of the Milliarcsecond Active Nucleus in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4151
111. Johnstone, R.M., Fabian, A.C., Morris, R.G., & Taylor, G.B.
2004, MNRAS, 356, 237, astro-ph/0410154
The Galaxy Cluster A3581 as seen by Chandra
110. Sanders, J.S., Fabian, A.C., & Taylor, G.B.
2005, MNRAS, 356, 1022, astro-ph/0406094
A Chandra observation of the disturbed cluster core of Abell 2204
109. Giovannini, G., Taylor, G.B., Feretti, L., Cotton, W.D., Lara, L., & Venturi, T.
2005, ApJ, 618, 635, astro-ph/0409624
The Bologna Complete Sample of Nearby Radio Galaxies
108. Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., Berger, E., & Kulkarni, S.R.
2004, ApJL, 609, L1, astro-ph/0405300
The Angular Size and Proper Motion of the Afterglow of GRB 030329
107. Taylor, G.B., Peck, A.B., Ulvestad, J.S., & O'Dea, C.P.
2004, ApJ, 612, 780, astro-ph/0405484
Exploring the Nucleus of the Gigamaser Galaxy TXS 2226-184
106. Giroletti, G., Giovannini, G., Taylor, G.B., & Falomo, R.
2004, ApJ, 613, 752
A Sample of Low Redshift BL Lacs. I. The Radio Data
105. Beswick, R.J., Peck, A.B., Taylor, G.B., & Giovannini, G.
2004, MNRAS, 352, 49
High resolution imaging of the radio continuum and neutral gas in the inner kiloparsec of the radio galaxy 3C293
104. Zavala, R.T., & Taylor, G.B.
2004, ApJ, 612, 749, astro-ph/0405534
A View through Faraday's Fog 2: Parsec scale Rotation Measures in AGN
103. Maness, H.L., Taylor, G.B., Zavala, R.T., Peck, A.B., & Pollack, L.K.
2004, ApJ, 602, 123, astro-ph/0310663
Breaking All the Rules: The Compact Symmetric Object 0402+379
102. Lane, W. M., Clarke, T.E., Taylor, G.B., Perley, R.A., & Kassim, N.E.
2004, AJ, 127, 48, astro-ph/0309647
Hydra A at Low Radio Frequencies
101. Murgia, M., Govoni, F., Feretti, L., Giovannini, G., Dallacasa, D., Fanti, R., Taylor, G.B., & Dolag, K.
2004, A\&A, 424, 429
Magnetic Fields and Faraday Rotation in Clusters of Galaxies
100. Taylor, G.B.
2003, Encyclopedia of Astronomy
Active Galactic Nuclei: parsec-scale radio structure
99. Fabian, A.C., Sanders, J.S., Allen, S.W., Crawford, C.S., Iwasawa, K., Johnstone, R.M., Schmidt, R.W., & Taylor, G.B.
2003, MNRAS, 344, L43
A deep Chandra observation of the Perseus cluster: shocks and ripples
98. Taylor, G.B., & Peck, A.B.
2003, ApJ, 597, 157, astro-ph/0307151
Identifying Compact Symmetric Objects in the Southern Sky
97. Vermeulen, R.C., Pihlstrom, Y.M., Tschager, W., de Vries, W.H., Conway, J.E., Barthel, P.D., Baum, S.A., Braun, R., Bremer, M.N., Miley, G.K., O'Dea, C.P., Rottgering, H.J.A., Schilizzi, R.T, Snellen, I.A.G., & Taylor, G.B.
2003, A&A, 404, 861
Observations of HI absorbing gas in compact radio sources at cosmological redshifts
96. Taylor, G.B.
2003, New Astronomy Reviews, 47, 585
Observed Properties of Jets in Young Radio Galaxies
95. Takizawa, M., Sarazin, C.L., Blanton, E.L., & Taylor, G.B.
2003, ApJ, 595, 142
Chandra Observations of the Central Region of Abell 3112
94. Ensslin, T.A., Vogt, C., Clarke, T.E., & Taylor, G.B.
2003, ApJ, 597, 870
Are the Faraday Rotating Magnetic Fields Local to Intra-Cluster Radio Galaxies?
93. Frail, D.A., Yost, S.A., Berger, E., Harrison, F.A., Sari, R. Kulkarni, S.R., Taylor, G.B., Bloom, J.S., Fox, D.W., & Moriarty-Schieven, G.H.
2003, ApJ, 590, 992
The Broadband Afterglow of GRB 980703
92. Zavala, R.T., & Taylor, G.B.
2003, ApJ, 589, 126
A View through Faraday's Fog: Parsec scale Rotation Measures in AGN
91. Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G., Taylor, G.B., Conway, J.E., Cotton, W.D., Lara, L. & Venturi, T.
2003, A&A, 399, 889, astro-ph/0212232
Lobe Advance Velocities in the Compact Symmetric Object 4C 31.04
90. Pollack, L.K., Taylor, G.B. & Zavala, R.T.
2003, ApJ, 589, 733, astro-ph/0302211
VLBI Polarimetry of 177 Sources from the Caltech-Jodrell Bank Flat-Spectrum Survey
89. Momjian, E., Romney, J.D., Carilli, C.L., Troland, T.H. & Taylor, G.B.
2003, ApJ, 587, 160
VLBA Continuum and HI Absorption Observations of the Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxy IRAS 17208-0014
88. Galama, T.J., Frail, D.A., Sari, R., Berger, E., Taylor, G.B., & Kulkarni, S. R.
2003, ApJ, 585, 899
Continued Radio Monitoring of the Gamma Ray Burst 991208
87. Yost, S.A., Frail, D. A., Harrison, F. A., Sari, R. D. Reichart, J. S. Bloom, S. R. Kulkarni, G. H. Moriarty-Schieven, S. G. Djorgovski, P. A. Price, R. W. Goodrich, J. E. Larkin, F. Walter, D. S. Shepherd, D. W. Fox, G. B. Taylor, E. Berger, T.J. Galama
2002, ApJ, 577, 155
The Broadband Afterglow of GRB980329
86. Harris, D.E., Krawczynski, H., & Taylor, G.B.
2002, ApJ, 578, 60
X-ray Detection of the Inner Jet in the Radio Galaxy 3C129
85. Taylor, G.B., Peck, A.B., Henkel, C., Falcke, H., Mundell, C.G.,O'Dea, C.P., Baum, S.A. & Gallimore, J.F.
2002, ApJ, 574, 88, astro-ph/0203415
HI Absorption in the Gigamaser Galaxy TXS 2226-184 and the Relation between HI Absorption and Water Emission
84. Zavala, R.T., & Taylor, G.B.
2002, ApJL, 566, L9
Faraday Rotation Measures in the parsec scale jets of the radio galaxies M87, 3C111 and 3C120
83. Carilli, C.L, & Taylor, G.B.
2002, ARA&A, 40, 319, astro-ph/0110655
Cluster Magnetic Fields
82. Lara, L., Giovannini, G., Cotton, W.D., Feretti, L., Marcaide, J.M., Marquez, I., Taylor, G.B., \& Venturi, T.
2002, New Astronomy Review, 46, 89
Restarting activity in radio galaxies
81. Taylor, G.B., Fabian, A.C., & Allen, S.W.
2002, MNRAS, 334, 769, astro-ph/0109337
Magnetic Fields in the Centaurus Cluster
80. Govoni, F., Taylor, G.B., Dallacasa, D., Feretti, L., & Giovannini, G.
2001, A\&A, 379, 807
Radio Galaxies and Magnetic Fields in A514
79. Wrobel, J.M., Taylor, G.B., & Gregory, P.C.
2001, AJ, 122, 1669, astro-ph/0105334
Phase Calibration Sources in the Northern Sky at Galactic Latitudes |b| < 2.5 degrees
78. Fassnacht, C.D., & Taylor, G.B.
2001, AJ, 122, 1661, astro-ph/0106001
Compact Symmetric Objects as Radio Flux Density Calibrators
77. Taylor, G.B., Hough, D.H., & Venturi, T.
2001, ApJ, 559, 703, astro-ph/0105285
VLBA Polarimetry of Three Powerful Radio Galaxy Cores
76. Berger, E., Diercks, A., Frail, D.A., Kulkarni, S.R., Bloom, J.S., Sari, R., Halpern, J., Mirabal, N., Taylor, G.B., Hurley, K., Pooley, G., Becker, K.M., Wagner, R.M., Terndrup, D.M., Statler, T., Mazets, E., & Cline, T.
2001, ApJ, 556, 556, astro-ph/0102278
GRB 000418: A Hidden Jet Revealed?
75. Zavala, R.T., & Taylor, G.B.
2001, ApJL, 550, L147, astro-ph/0103180
Time Variable Faraday Rotation Measures of 3C273 & 3C279
74. Peck, A.B., & Taylor, G.B.
2001, ApJL, 554, L147, astro-ph/0105310
Evidence for a Circumnuclear Disk in 1946+708
73. Wilkinson, P.N., Henstock, D.R., Browne, I.W.A., Polatidis, A.G., Augusto, P., Readhead, A.C.S., Pearson, T.J., Xu, W., Taylor, G.B., and Vermeulen, R.C.
2001, Physical Review Letters, 86, 584
Limits on the Cosmological Abundance of Supermassive Compact Objects from a Search for Multiple Imaging in Compact Radio Sources
72. Augusto, P., Browne, I.W.A., Wilkinson, P.N., Jackson, N., Fassnacht, C.D., Muxlow, T.W.B., Hjorth, J., Koopmans, L., Patnaik, A., and Taylor, G.B.
2001, MNRAS, 326, 1007
B2114+022: a distant radio source gravitationally lensed by a starburst galaxy
71. Fabian, A.C., Sanders, J.S., Ettori, S., Taylor, G.B., Allen, S.W., Crawford, C.S., Iwasawa, K., and Johnstone, R.M.
2000, MNRAS, 321, L33, astro-ph/0011547
Chandra Imaging of the X-ray Core of Abell 1795
70. Taylor, G.B., Govoni, F., Allen, S.W., and Fabian, A.C.
2001, MNRAS, 326, 2, astro-ph/0104223
Magnetic Fields in the 3C129 Cluster
69. Marr, J.M., Taylor, G.B., and Crawford, F. III
2001, ApJ, 550, 160
Non-Uniform Free-Free Absorption in the GPS Radio Galaxy 0108+388
68. Fabian, A.C., Sanders, J.S., Ettori, S., Taylor, G.B., Allen, S.W., Crawford, C.S., Iwasawa, K., Johnstone, R.M, and Ogle, P.M.
2000, MNRAS, 318, L65, astro-ph/0007456
Chandra imaging of the complex X-ray core of the Perseus cluster
67. Allen, S.W., Taylor, G.B., Nulsen, P.E.J., Johnstone, R.M., David, L.P., Ettori, S., Facian, A.C., Forman, W., Jones, C., and McNamara, B.
2001, MNRAS, 324, 842, astro-ph/0101162
Chandra X-ray observations of the 3C 295 cluster core
66. Taylor, G.B., Bloom, J.S., Frail, D.A., Kulkarni, S.R., Djorgovski, S.G., & Jacoby, B.A.
2000, ApJL, 537, 17
The Rapidly Fading Afterglow From the Gamma-Ray Burst of 1999 May 6
65. Taylor, G.B., Marr, J.M., Pearson, T.J., & Readhead, A.C.S.
2000, ApJ, 541, 112, astro-ph/000529
Kinematic Age Estimates for 4 Compact Symmetric Objects from the Pearson-Readhead Survey
64. Frail, D.A., Berger, E., Galama, T., Kulkarni, S.R., Moriarty-Schieven, G. H., Pooley, G. G., Sari, R., Shepherd, D. S., Taylor, G. B., Walter, F.
2000, ApJ, 538, L129
The Enigmatic Radio Afterglow of GRB 991216
63. Carilli, C.L. & Taylor, G.B.
2000, ApJL, 532, 95
The Extreme Compact Starburst in Mrk 273
62. Frail, D.A., Kulkarni, S.R., Sari, R., Taylor, G.B., Shepherd, D.S., Bloom, J.S., Young, C.H., Nicastro, L., and Masetti, N.
2000, ApJ, 534, 559
The Radio Afterglow from GRB 980519: A Test of the Jet and Circumstellar Models
61. Taylor, G.B.
2000, ApJ, 533, 95
Magnetic Fields in Quasar Cores II
60. Peck, A.B., & Taylor, G.B.
2000, ApJ, 534, 90
Identifying COINS with the VLBA
59. Peck, A.B., Taylor, G.B., Fassnacht, C.D., Readhead, A.C.S., & Vermeulen, R.C.
2000, ApJ, 534, 104
Redshifts and Neutral Hydrogen Observations of Compact Symmetric Objects in the COINS Sample
58. Polatidis, A., Wilkinson, P.N., Xu, W., Readhead, A.C.S., Pearson, T.J., Taylor, G.B., and Vermeulen, R.C.
1999, New Astronomy Reviews, 43, 657
Compact Symmetric Objects in a complete flux density limited sample
57. Pihlstrom, Y.M., Vermeulen, R.C., Taylor, G.B., and Conway, J.E.
1999, ApJL, 525, L13
HI absorption in the steep-spectrum superluminal 3C216
56. Testi, L., Felli, M., and Taylor, G.B.
1999, A&AS, 138, 71
Young massive stars in the ISOGAL survey .I. VLA observations of the ISOGAL l=+45 field
55. Venturi, T., and Taylor, G.B.
1999, AJ, 118, 1931
The Galactic Magnetic Field in the Quasar 3C216
54. Giovannini, G., Taylor, G.B., Arbizzani, E., Bondi, M., Cotton, W.D., Feretti, L., Lara, L., and Venturi, T.
1999, ApJ, 522, 101
B2 1144+35: A Giant Low Power Radio Galaxy with Superluminal Motion
53. Taylor, G.B., Beasley, A.J., Frail, D.A., Kulkarni, S.R., & Reynolds, J.E.
1999, A&AS, 138, 445
VLBI Observations of GRB Afterglows
52. Peck, A.B., Taylor, G.B., & Conway, J.E.
1999, ApJ, 521, 103
Obscuration of the Parsec Scale Jets in the Compact Symmetric Object 1946+708
51. Taylor, G.B., O'Dea, C.P., Peck, A.B., & Koekemoer, A.M.
1999, ApJ, 512, L27
HI Absorption Toward the Nucleus of the Radio Galaxy PKS 2322-12 in A 2597
50. Taylor, G.B., Silver, C.S., Ulvestad, J.S., & Carilli, C.L.
1999, ApJ, 519, 185
The Starburst in the Central Kiloparsec of Markarian 231
49. Feretti, L., Dallacasa, D., Govoni, F., Giovannini, G., Taylor, G.B., & Klein, U.
1999, A&A, 344, 472
The Radio Galaxies and the Magnetic Field in Abell 119
48. Faison, M.D., Goss, W.M., Diamond, P.J., & Taylor, G.B.
1998, AJ, 116, 2916-2928
VLBA Imaging of Small Scale Structure in Galactic HI
47. Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., Kulkarni, S.R., Shepherd, D. S., Feroci, M., & Frontera, F.
1998, ApJL, 502, L115-118
The Discovery of the Radio Afterglow From the Optically Dim Gamma-Ray Burst of March 29, 1998
46. Peck, A.B., & Taylor, G.B.
1998, ApJL, 502, L23-27
Kinematics of the Neutral Hydrogen toward the Core of NGC 3894
45. Taylor, G.B.
1998, ApJ, 506, 637
Magnetic Fields in Quasar Cores
44. Silver, C.S., Taylor, G.B., and Vermeulen, R.C.
1998, ApJ, 502, 229
A Radio Millihalo in the Nucleus of NGC 1275
43. Condon, J.J., Cotton, W.D., Greisen, E.W., Yin, Q.F., Perley, R.A., Taylor, G.B. & Broderick, J.J.
1998, AJ, 115, 1693
The NRAO VLA Sky Survey
42. Taylor, G.B., Wrobel, J.M., & Vermeulen, R.C.
1998, ApJ, 498, 619
Discovery of Twin Relativistic Jets in the Nearby E/S0 Galaxy NGC 3894
41. Blundell, K.M., Rawlings, S., Eales, S.A., Taylor, G.B., & Bradley, A.D.
1998, MNRAS, 295, 265
A sample of 6C radio sources designed to find objects at redshift > 4: I -- the radio data
40. Johnstone, R.M., Fabian, A.C., & Taylor, G.B.
1998, MNRAS, 298, 854
X-ray observations of the poor cluster A3581 which hosts the radio galaxy PKS 1404-267
39. Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., Beasley, A.J., & Kulkarni, S.R.
1997, Nature, 389, 263
Position and Parallax of the gamma-ray burst of May 8, 1997
38. Frail, D.A., Kulkarni, S.R., Nicastro, L., Feroci, M. & Taylor, G.B.
1997, Nature, 389, 261
The radio afterglow from the gamma-ray burst of May 8, 1997
37. Felli, M., Taylor, G.B., Neckel, Th., & Staude, H.J.
1998, A&A, 329, 243
The ionized wind of IRAS 08159-3543
36. Taylor, G.B., & Vermeulen, R.C.
1997, ApJL, 485, L9-L12
Bi-Directional Relativistic Jets of the Radio Galaxy 1946+708: Constraints on the Hubble Constant
35. Udomprasert, P.S., Taylor, G.B., Pearson, T.J., & Roberts, D.H.
1997, ApJL, 483, L9-L12
Evidence for ordered magnetic fields in the quasar environment
34. Taylor, G.B., Vermeulen, R.C., Readhead, A.C.S., Pearson, T.J., Henstock, D.R., and Wilkinson, P.N.
1996, ApJS, 107, 37
A Complete Flux Density Limited VLBI Survey of 293 Flat-Spectrum Radio Sources.
33. Taylor, G.B.
1996, ApJ, 470, 394
The Symmetric parsec-scale Jets of the Radio Galaxy Hydra A
32. Vermeulen, R.C., Taylor, G.B., Readhead, A.C.S. and Browne, I.W.A.
1996, AJ, 111, 1013
Redshifts for Superluminal Candidates: II
31. Taylor, G.B., and Vermeulen, R.C.
1996, ApJL, 457, L69
The parsec-scale structure of NGC 1275 at 1.3 GHz
30. Taylor, G.B., Readhead, A.C.S., and Pearson, T.J.
1996, ApJ, 463, 95
Pinpointing the Center of Activity in Compact Symmetric Objects
29. Readhead, A.C.S., Taylor, G.B., Xu, W., Pearson, T.J., Wilkinson, P.N., and Polatidis, A.G.
1996, ApJ, 460, 612
The Statistics and Ages of Compact Symmetric Objects.
28. Readhead, A.C.S., Taylor, G.B., Pearson, T.J., and Wilkinson, P.N.
1996, ApJ, 460, 634
Compact Symmetric Objects and the Evolution of Powerful Extragalactic Radio Sources.
27. Vermeulen, R.C., Ogle, P.M., Tran, H.D., Browne, I.W.A., Cohen, M.H., Readhead, A.C.S, Taylor, G.B., and Goodrich, R.W.
1995, ApJL, 452, L5
When is BL Lac not a BL Lac?
26. Taylor, G.B., Ge, J.P., and O'Dea, C.P.
1995, AJ, 110, 522
High Faraday Rotation Measures of the Steep Spectrum Quasar 3C 216.
25. Taylor, G.B., Vermeulen, R.C., and Pearson, T.J.
1995, PNAS, 92, pp. 11381-11384
Bi-Directional Motion Observed in the Compact Symmetric Object 1946+708.
24. Shepherd, M.C., Pearson, T.J., and Taylor, G.B.
1995, BAAS, 27, 903
Difmap: an Interactive Program for Synthesis Imaging.
23. Vermeulen, R.C., and Taylor, G.B.
1995, AJ, 109, 1983
Redshifts for Superluminal Candidates: I.
22. Henstock, D.R., Browne, I.W.A., Wilkinson, P.N., Taylor, G.B., Vermeulen, R.C., Pearson, T.J., and Readhead, A.C.S.
1995, ApJS, 100, 1
The Second Caltech--Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey. II. Observations of 102 of 193 Sources.
21. Tofani, G., Felli, M., Taylor, G.B., and Hunter, T.R.
1995, A&AS, 112, 299
Exploring the Engines of Molecular Outflows: Radio Continuum and H2O Maser Observations.
20. Polatidis, A.G., Wilkinson, P.N., Xu, W., Readhead, A.C.S., Pearson, T.J., Taylor, G.B., and Vermeulen, R.C.
1995, ApJS, 98, 1.
The First Caltech--Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey. I. 18 cm Observations of 87 Sources.
19. Thakkar, D.D., Xu, W., Readhead, A.C.S., Pearson, T.J., Taylor, G.B., Vermeulen, R.C., Polatidis, A.G., and Wilkinson, P.N.
1995, ApJS, 98, 33
The First Caltech--Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey. II. 18 cm Observations of 25 Sources.
18. Hunter, T.R., Testi, L., Taylor, G.B., Togani, G., Felli, M., and Phillips, T.G.
1995, A&A, 302, 249
A Multi-Wavelength Picture of the AFGL5142 Star-Forming Region.,
17. Palla, F., Testi, L., Hunter, T.R., Taylor, G.B., Prusti, T., Felli, M., Natta, A., and Stanga, R.M.
1995, A&A, 293, 521
The active source in the region of the Herbig star BD+40 4124.
16. Taylor, G.B., Vermeulen, R.C., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Henstock, D.R., Browne, I.W.A., and Wilkinson, P.N.
1994, ApJS, 95, 345
The Second Caltech--Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey. I. Observations of 91 of 193 Sources.
15. Shepherd, M.C., Pearson, T.J., and Taylor, G.B.
1994, BAAS, 26, 987
Difmap: an Interactive Program for Synthesis Imaging.
14. Taylor, G.B., Barton, E.J., and Ge, J.-P.
1994, AJ, 107, 1942
Searching for Cluster Magnetic Fields in the Cooling Flows of 0745-191, A2029 and A4059.
13. Hunter, T.R., Taylor, G.B., Felli, M., and Tofani, G.
1994, A&A, 284, 215
Water Masers Embedded in Ultracompact HII Regions in the W75N Cloud Core.
12. Taylor, G.B., Morris, M., and Schulman, E.
1993, AJ, 106, 1978 (and on the cover)
Water Masers in the Direction of the Galactic Center. I. Results from Initial Observations.
11. Taylor, G.B., and Perley, R.A.
1993, ApJ, 416, 554
Magnetic Fields in the Hydra A Cluster.
10. Taylor, G.B., and Roberts, D.A.
1993, AJ, 106, 1087
HI Observations of 8 Variable Sources in the Galactic Plane.
9. Felli, M., Taylor, G.B., Catarzi, M., Churchwell, E., and Kurtz, S.
1993, A&AS, 101, 127
The Orion Radio Zoo Revisited: Source Variability.
8. Felli, M., Churchwell, E., Wilson, T.L., and Taylor, G.B.
1993, A&AS, 98, 137
The Radio Continuum Morphology of the Orion Nebula: from 10 arcmin to 0.1 arcsec resolution.
7. Taylor, G.B., and Morris, M.
1993, ApJ, 409, 720
Radio and X-Ray Observations of OH231.8+4.2.
6. Taylor, G.B., Inoue, M., and Tabara, H.
1992, A&A, 264, 421
Anomalous Rotation Measures of the Compact Steep Spectrum Source 3C 318.
5. Taylor, G.B., Inoue, M., and Tabara, H.
1992, A&A, 264, 415
Anomalous Rotation Measures of the Radio Galaxy 3C 194.
4. Taylor, G.B., and Perley, R.A.
1992, A&A, 262, 417
The Structure of the Hot Spots in 3C 295.
3. Perley, R.A., and Taylor, G.B.
1991, AJ, 101, 1623
VLA Observations of 3C 295 - A Young Radio Galaxy?.
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1990, ApJ, 360, 41
VLA Observations of the Radio Galaxy Hydra A (3C 218).
1. Taylor, G.B., and Wright, E.L.
1989, ApJ, 339, 619
Effects of a Hot Intergalactic Medium.


Moin, A., Tingay, S., Phillips, C., Taylor, G.B., Wieringa, M., Martin, R.
2010, GCN Circular No. 10832
Radio detection of GRB100418a with ATCA
Moin, A., Tingay, S., Phillips, C., Taylor, G.B., Martin, R.
2008, GCN Circular No. 8950
ATCA observation of SGR J1550-5418
Gelfand, J.D., Taylor, G.B. (UNM), Kouveliotou, C., Gaensler, B.M., van der Horst, A.J.
2008, GCN Circular No. 8168
Recent VLA non-detection of SGR 0501+4516
Gelfand, J.D., Taylor, G.B. (UNM), Kouveliotou, C., Gaensler, B.M., van der Horst, A.J.
2008, GCN Circular No. 8155
VLA non-detection of SGR 0501+4516
Gaensler, B.M., Taylor, G.B., Gelfand, J., Kouveliotou, C., Wijers, R., Garrett, M., McLaughlin, M., Fender, R., & Newton-McGee, K. et al.
2005, GCN Circular No. 2943
Further VLA observations of SGR 1806-20
Gelfand, J., Gaensler, B., Newton-McGee, K., Kouveliotou, C., Taylor, G., Wijers, R., Garrett, M., et al.
2005, GCN Circular No. 2941
Further VLA observations of SGR 1806-20
Taylor, G.B., Berger, E., Frail, D.A., & Kulkarni, S. R.
2003, GCN Circular No. 2129
GRB 030329 VLBA Observations J.; Gaensler,
Taylor, G.B., & Berger, E. J.
2002, GCN Circular No. 1310
GRB 020322, Radio observations
Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., & Kulkarni, S.R.
2001, GCN Circular No. 1136
The Radio Afterglow from the X-ray Rich GRB 011030
Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., & Fox, D.
2001, GCN Circular No. 1122
GRB 011030, Radio observations
Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., & Bloom, J.S.
2000, GCN Circular No. 880
GRB 001109, Radio observations
Taylor, G.B.
2000, GCN Circular No. 857
GRB 001018, Possible Radio Afterglow
Frail, D.A., & Taylor, G.B.
2000, GCN Circular No. 574 B.
GRB 000301A, Radio Observations
Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., et al.
2000, GCN Circular No. 514
GRB 991216 VLBA Observations
Taylor, G.B., Berger, E., et al.
1999, GCN Circular No. 483
GRB 991216 Radio Observations
Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., and Kulkarni, S.R.
1999, GCN Circular No. 425
GRB 991014 Radio Observations
Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., and Kulkarni, S.R.
1999, GCN Circular No. 350
GRB 990506 Radio Transient
Frail, D.A., Kulkarni, S.R., Young, C.H., and Taylor, G.B.
1999, GCN Circular No. 337
radio observations of x-ray/GRB transient field M.; Newton-McGee,
Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., Kulkarni, S.R., and Bloom, J.S.
1999, GCN Circular No. 308
GRB 990506 Radio Observations
Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., and Kulkarni, S.R.
1999, GCN Circular No. 287
GRB 981220 VLBA observations
Frail, D.A., Kulkarni, S.R., and Taylor, G.B.
1999, GCN Circular No. 269
GRB 981220 radio observations
Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., Beasley, A.J., & Kulkarni, S.R.
1998, GCN Circular No. 152
GRB 980703 VLBI observations
Frail, D.A., Taylor, G.B., Kulkarni, S.R., and the BeppoSAX GRB team
1998, GCN Circular No. 89
GRB 980519 VLA observations K.; Kouveliotou,
Larkin, J., Ghez, A., Kulkarni, S.R., Djorgovski, S.G., Frail, D.A., & Taylor, G.B.
1998, GCN Circular No. 51
GRB 980329 Keck K-band observations
Larkin, J., Ghez, A., Kulkarni, S.R., Djorgovski, S.G., Frail, D.A., & Taylor, G.B.
1998, GCN Circular No. 44
GRB 980329 infrared observations
Djorgovski, S.G., Kulkarni, S.R., Sievers, J., Frail, D.A., & Taylor, G.B.
1998, GCN Circular No. 41
GRB 980329 optical observations
Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., Kulkarni, S.R., & the BeppoSAX GRB team
1998, GCN Circular No. 40
GRB 980329 VLA observations
Taylor, G.B., Beasley, A.J., Frail, D. A., & Kulkarni, S.R. C.; Taylor,
1997, IAU Circular No. 6670
GRB 970508 detected by the VLBA

Recent Conference Proceedings (Incomplete)

Taylor, G.B.
2011 in "Proceedings of Fermi & Jansky: Our Evolving Understanding of AGN", St Michaels, MD, 2011, edited by R. Ojha, D. J. Thompson and C. Dermer, eConf C1111101 (2011), astro-ph/1206.1799
Imaging at Both Ends of the Spectrum: the Long Wavelength Array and Fermi
Taylor, G.B.
2008 in "Putting Gravity to Work",
Reading the Meter: Interpreting AGN Heating of Clusters
Taylor, G.B.
2006 in "Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 14; 26th IAU General Assembly", eds J. Lazio and N. Kassim.
The Long Wavelength Array
Taylor, G.B.
2006 in "Black Holes: from Stars to Galaxies - across the Range of Masses", Proc. IAU Symposium No. 238, eds V. Kara and G. Matt
Imaging Compact Supermassive Binary Black Holes with Very Long Baseline Interferometry
Taylor, G.B.
2004 in "Starbursts -- from 30 Doradus to Lyman Break Galaxies" eds. unknown, Cambridge Univ. Press.
Tracing the Inner Gas Disks in Starbursts and Radio Galaxies
Mioduszewski, A.J., Rupen, M.P., Walker, R.C., Schillemat, K.M., and Taylor, G.B.
2004 in "American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #8, #29.03"
A Summer of SS433: Forty Days of VLBA Imaging
Fabian, A.C., Sanders, J.S., Taylor, G.B., Allen, S.W., Crawford, C.S.
2004 in "American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #8, #29.03"
G.; Wijers,A Deep Chandra Image of the Core of the Centaurus Cluster
Taylor, G.B., Peck, A.B., Ulvestad, J.S., & O'Dea, C.P.
2004 in "American Astronomical Society Meeting 203"
Imaging the Central Starburst in the Gigamaser Galaxy TXS2226-184
Taylor, G.B., Frail, D.A., Berger, E., \& Kulkarni, S.
2003 in "Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy: A Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the VLBA" eds. unknown, ASP Conference Series, Vol.~xxx,
High Resolution Radio Observations of GRB 030329
Govoni, F., Feretti, L., Murgia, M., Taylor, G., Giovannini, G., & Dallacasa, D.
2002 in "Galaxy Clusters meeting in Taiwan" eds. unknown, ASP Conference Series, Vol.~xxx,
Magnetic Fields in Clusters of Galaxies Obtained Through the Study of Faraday Rotation Measures
Giovannini, G., Taylor, G.B., Cotton, W.D., Feretti, L., Venturi, T. & Lara, L.
2001 in "Unification meeting in ELBA" eds. unknown, ASP erence Series, Vol.~xxx, R.; Garrett,
Intrinsic Properties of High and Low Power Radio Sources and Unified Scheme Models
Taylor, G.B., and Zavala, R.T.
2001 in "The Central Kiloparsec of Starbursts and AGN" eds. J. Knappen et al., ASP Conference Series, Vol.~xxx,
Magnetic Fields in the central kiloparsec of Active Galactic Nuclei
Taylor, G.B., Allen, S.W., & Fabian, A.C.
1999 in Proceedings of the Ringberg workshop on "Diffuse Thermal and Relativistic Plasma in Galaxy Clusters" MPE Report No. 271, MPE Garching
Mapping Cluster Magnetic Fields Using Faraday Rotation Measures
Vanden Bout, P.A., Brundage, W.D., Clark, J.S., Emerson, D.T., McKinnon, M.M., Taylor, G.B., & Thompson, A.R.
1998 in Proc. Symp. Commsphere 1999, Toulouse, France.
Results of Measurements by the NRAO of the Level of Interference to Radio Astronomy by IRIDIUM
Britzen, S., Vermeulen, R.C., Taylor, G.B., Pearson, T.J., M.; Finger,Readhead, A.C.S., Wilkinson, P., & Browne, I.W.
1998 in "BL Lac Phenomenon" in Turku
The CJF survey: first results on superluminal motion
Taylor, G.B., Beasley, A.J., Frail, D.A., & Kulkarni, S.R.
1997 in "The 4th Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium"
VLBA observations of the Radio Counterparts to Gamma-Ray Bursters
Taylor, G.B., Venturi, T., & Udomprasert, P.S.
1998 in "IAU Colloquium 164: Radio Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources", eds. J.A. Zensus, G.B. Taylor, & J.M. Wrobel, ASP Conference Series, Vol.~144.
Faraday Rotation Measure Observations on the Pc-Scale: Probing the AGN Environment
Pearson, T.J., Browne, I.W.A., Henstock, D.R., Polatidis, A.G., Readhead, A.C.S., Taylor, G.B., Thakkar, D.D., Vermeulen, R.C., Wilkinson, P.N., & Xu, W.
1998 in "IAU Colloquium 164: Radio Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources", eds. J.A. Zensus, G.B. Taylor, & J.M. Wrobel, ASP Conference Series, Vol.~144.
The Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI Surveys
Giovannini, G., Arbizzani, L., Feretti, L., Venturi, T., Cotton, W.D., Lara, L., & Taylor, G.B.
1998 in "IAU Colloquium 164: Radio Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources", eds. J.A. Zensus, G.B. Taylor, & J.M. Wrobel, ASP Conference Series, Vol.~144.
Relativistic Jets in Low Power Radio Galaxies
Wilkinson, P.N., Browne, I.W.A., Alcock, D., Myles, S., Henstock, D., Readhead, A.C.S., Pearson, T.J., Xu, W. Taylor, G.B., Polatidis, A.G., \& Vermeulen, R.C.,
1997, in Tenerife Proc., ed XXX (:)
The Angular Size-Redshift Test for Compact Radio Sources in the Caltech-Jodrell Bank Surveys
Giovannini, G., Arbizzani, E., Cotton, W.D., Feretti, L., Lara, L., Venturi, T., and Taylor, G.B.
1997, in "The Second Italian Meeting on AGN: From Micro to Mega Parsec", eds. A. Comastri, T. Venturi and M. Bellazzini, Journal of the Italian Astron. Society, Vol. 68, No. 2, p.151.
Parsec Scale Properties of Low Power Radio Galaxies
Taylor, G.B., Vermeulen, R.C., Readhead, A.C.S., Pearson, T.J., Henstock, D.R., and Wilkinson, P.N.
1996, in "The Second Workshop on Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum and Compact Steep Spectrum Radio Sources", eds. I.A.G. Snellen, R.T. Schilizzi, H.J.A. Rottgering, and M.N. Bremer (Leiden Observatory:Leiden)
The present age and predicted evolution of Compact Symmetric Objects
Taylor, G.B., Udomprasert, P., Pearson, T.J., & Roberts, D.H.
1996, in "The Second Workshop on Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum and Compact Steep Spectrum Radio Sources", eds. I.A.G. Snellen, R.T. Schilizzi, H.J.A. Rottgering, and M.N. Bremer (Leiden Observatory:Leiden)
The parsec-scale rotation measure structure of the CSS Quasar OQ 172
Taylor, G.B.
1995, in IAU 175 proceedings
The parsec-scale nucleus and jets of Hydra A
Readhead, A.C.S., Pearson, T.J., Taylor, G.B., and Wilkinson, P.N.
1995, in IAU 175 proceedings
The Evolution of Extragalactic Radio Sources
Wilkinson, P.N., Henstock, D.R., Browne, I.W.A., Readhead, A.C.S., Taylor, G.B., Vermeulen, R.C., Pearson, T.J., & Xu, W.
1996, in Proc. IAU Symp. 168, Examining the Big Bang and Diffuse Background Radiation, ed. M. Kafatos & Y. Kondo (Dordrecht:Kluwer), p. 95
Gravitational Milli-Lenses
Taylor, G.B., Readhead, A.C.S., and Pearson, T.J.
1996, in Energy Transport in Radio Galaxies & Quasars
Identifying Cores, Jets and Hot Spots in Compact Symmetric Objects
Readhead, A.C.S., Pearson, T.J., Taylor, G.B., and Wilkinson, P.N.
1996, in Energy Transport in Radio Galaxies & Quasars
The Jet Advance Speed in Compact Symmetric Objects

Scientific and Technical Memos

Taylor et al.
2009, LWA Memo No. 162,
The Long Wavelength Array: Acitivy White Paper for the Astro 2010 Decadal Survey
Kuniyoshi, M., Bhatnagar, S., Taylor, G., and Cohen, A.
2008, LWA Memo No. 148,
Shape of LWA Station: A Study of the Synthesised Beam Shapes and Weighting Scheme
Taylor, G.B. & Ray, P.
2008, LWA Memo No. 131,
LWA Data Communications - The Fiber Option
Taylor, G.B.
2007, LWA Memo No. 110,
LWA Data Communications - The Sneakernet Option
Taylor, G.B., Cohen, A., Crane, P., Dickel, J., & Lucero, W.
2007, LWA Memo No. 97,
More Sites for the LWA: Sevilleta, Pie Town, Horse Springs and Parts West
Rickard, L.J., Taylor, G.B., Ellingson, S., & Kassim, N.
2006, LWA Memo No. 72,
The Long Wavelength Array (LWA) Program Charter
Taylor, G.B., et al.
2006, LWA Memo No. 62,
A First Look at Sites for the LWA
Taylor, G.B., et al.
2006, LWA Memo No. 56,
Long Wavelength Array Overview
Taylor, G.B & Greisen, E.W.
2004, In AIPS Memorandum Number 109
Using DVDs with AIPS
Wrobel, J.M., Taylor, G.B., Myers, S.T., & Fassnacht, C.D.
2001, In VLBA Scientific Memorandum 28
The AGN Content in the Radio Regime of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey of the Bootes Field: The Pilot VLBA Survey
Taylor, G.B., & Myers, S.T.
2001, In VLBA Scientific Memorandum 26
Polarization Angle Calibration Using the VLA Monitoring Program

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