
  1. Lewis, M.O., Bhattacharya, R., Sjouwerman, L.O., Pihlström, Y.M., Pietrzynski,G., Sahai,R., Karczmarek,P., and Górski, M., 2023, accepted AA, Long-Period maser-bearing Miras in the Galactic center Period-Luminosity relations and extinction estimates (document)

  2. Dike, V., Morris, M. R. , Rich ,R. M., Lewis, M. O., Quiroga-Nuñez, L. H., Stroh, M.C., Trapp, A. C. and Claussen, M. J., 2020, AAS, Ground Vibrational State SiO Emission in the VLA BAaDE Survey (document)

  3. Quiroga-Nuñez, L. H., van Langevelde, H.J., Sjouwerman, L.O., Pihlström., Y.M. Brown, A.G.A, Rich, R.M. , Stroh, M.C., Lewis, M. O. and Habing, H.J., 2020,ApJ, Characterizing the Evolved Stellar Population in the Galactic Foreground. I. Bolometric Magnitudes, Spatial Distribution and Period–Luminosity Relations (document)

  4. Lewis, M. O., Pihlström, Y.M., Sjouwerman, L.O., and Quiroga-Nuñez, L. H., 2020, ApJ, Infrared Color Separation between Thin-shelled Oxygen-rich and Carbon-rich AGB Stars (document)

  5. Lewis, M.O., Pihlström, Y.M., Sjouwerman, L.O., Stroh, M.C., and Morris, M.R., 2020, ApJ, Carbon- and Oxygen-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars in the Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamical Evolution (BAaDE) survey (document)

  6. Stroh, M.C.; Pihlström, Y.M.; Sjouwerman, L.O.; Lewis, M.O., Claussen, M.J; Morris, M.R.; & Rich, M.R. 2019 ApJS, 244, 25, The Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamical Evolution (BAaDE) SiO Maser Survey at 86 GHz with ALMA(document)

  7. Pihlström, Y.M.; Sjouwerman, L.O.; Claussen, M.J; Morris, M.R.; Rich, R.M.; van Langevelde, H.J., & Quiroga-Nunez, L.H., 2018 ApJ, Positional Offsets Between SiO Masers in Evolved Stars and their cross-matched Infrared Counterparts(document)

  8. Stroh, M.C.; Pihlström, Y.M.; Sjouwerman, L.O.; Claussen, M.J; Morris, M.R.; & Rich, M.R. 2018 ApJ, 862, 153, Quasi-simultaneous 43 and 86 GHz SiO Maser Observations and Potential Bias in the BAaDE Survey Are Resolved(document)

  9. Trapp A.C.; Rich, R. M.; Morris, M. R.; Sjouwerman, L. O.; Pihlström, Y. M.; Claussen, M.; & Stroh, M. C., 2018, ApJ, 861, 75, SiO Masers in the Galactic Bulge and Disk: Kinematics from the BAaDE Survey(document)

Conference Proceedings and Presentations

  1. Sjouwerman, L.O., Pihlström, Y.M., Stroh, M.C., Lewis, M.O., Claussen, M.J., Trapp, A.C.,
Rich, R.M., Morris, M.R. and the BAaDE collaboration, 2020, IAU Symposium, BAaDE: The Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamical Evolution survey

  2. Stroh, M.C., Pihlström, Y.M., Sjouwerman, L.O., Lewis, M.O., Claussen, M.J., Morris, M.R.,
Rich, R.M. and the BAaDE collaboration, 2020, IAU Symposium, SiO maser emission as a stellar line-of-sight velocity tracer in the Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamical Evolution (BAaDE) survey

  3. Lewis, M. O., Pihlström, Y.M., Sjouwerman, L.O., Stroh, M.C. and the BAaDE Collaboration, 2020, IAU Symposium, Stellar Populations in the BAaDE Survey

  4. Thousands of Stellar SiO masers in the Galactic center: The Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamic Evolution (BAaDE) survey, Sjouwerman, L.O., Pihlström, Y.M., Rich, R.M., Morris, M.R., & Claussen, M. J, 2017, IAU Symposium No. 322 (proceedings pdf)

  5. First results from the Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamic Evolution survey, Pihlström, Y.M., Sjouwerman, L.O., Rich, R.M., Claussen, M.J., Morris, M., and the BAaDE collaboration, AAS 227, January 2016, Orlando, US (slides pdf)

  6. The BAaDE/ALMA 86 GHz SiO maser survey in the Galactic Bulge, Sjouwerman, L.O., and the BAaDE collaboration, The 31st Annual New Mexico Symposium, Socorro, NM (slides pdf)

  7. Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamic Evolution: BAaDE Project Update, Y. M. Pihlström, L.O. Sjouwerman, M.J. Claussen, M. Rich and M. Morris, talk presented at the ‘30th NM Symposium’, November 7, 2014 (slides pdf)

  8. The Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamic Evolution project, L. O. Sjouwerman, Y. M. Pihlström; and the BAaDE collaboration, presented at ‘Why galaxies care about AGB stars’, July 28 - August 1, 2014, Vienna (poster pdf)


  1. Hansen, S., BS, SiO Maser Dependency on the Circumstellar Shell of AGB Stars, May 13, 2023 (document)

  2. Lewis, M.O., PhD, Probing the Galactic AGB population through infrared and SiO maser emission, April 14, 2021 (document)

  3. Stroh, M.C., PhD, Circumstellar SiO Masers in the Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamical Evolution Survey, July 8, 2019 (document)

  4. Greene, K., BS, Determining periods of Mira Variables using the VVV sky survey, May 11, 2019 (document)

  5. Latmir, P., BS, High-Resolution Multi-Epoch Astrometry of Water Fountain IRAS 16552-3050, May 11, 2019 (document)

  6. Trapp, C., BS, The high frequency calibrator conundrum: Pipeline and identification algorithm for potential calibrator sources, May 14, 2016 (document)