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6  Estimating Data Volume

To estimate your data volume, you can use the following formulas:

6.1  DRX data rate

DRX datarate per beam:

BWMHz× Npol × Ntunings × 0.9611 MB/s/beam 

where BWMHz is the DRX bandwidth in MHz, Npol is the number of polarizations (2 by default), and Ntunings is the number of tunings per beam (usually 2). Thus observing with two tunings and using filter code 7 (19.6 MHz), two polarizations for an hour will give a data set of 264.9 GB.

6.2  TBN datarate

TBN datarate:

BWkHz× Npol× Nstands × 1.952× 10−3 MB/s 

where BWkHz is the TBN bandwidth in kHz, Npol is the number of polarizations (2 by default), and Nstands is the number of stand used (usually 256). Thus observing with two tunings and using filter code 7 (100 kHz) and two polarizations for an hour will give a data set of 351.4 GB.

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