Vita - Gregory Benjamin Taylor

Born April 5th, 1965 in Los Angeles, California, USA
Address 1 University of New Mexico, MSC 07 4220, Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone (505)277-5238 [work]; (505)823-2424 [home]; (505)270-2929 [cell]

2018- Distinguished Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at UNM.
2015- Director of the Center for Astrophysical Research and Technology
2007- Director of the Long Wavelength Array
2005- Adjunct Scientist at NRAO
2013-18 Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at UNM.
2005-06 Interim Director of the Long Wavelength Array
2005-13 Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at UNM.
2004-05 Visiting Scientist at the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) at Stanford.
2004 VLBA Project Scientist for NRAO responsible for overseeing the usage and development of the VLBA.
2001-05 Division Head for Scientific Services at NRAO in Socorro responsible for coordinating the VLA and VLBA support activities of the Scientific Services Division and representing NRAO in international VLBI activities.
2001-05 Scientist at NRAO in Socorro providing scientific support for the VLA and VLBA, including calibration issues, VLBI at the VLA, and coordinating the summer student program.
1999-01 Associate Scientist at NRAO in Socorro providing scientific support for the VLA and VLBA, including calibration issues, VLBI at the VLA, and coordinating the summer student program.
1999-09 Adjunct Professor in the Physics Department at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
1995-98 Assistant Scientist at NRAO in Socorro providing scientific support for the VLA and VLBA, including frequency coordination, calibration issues, and VLBI at the VLA
1992-95 Research Fellow at Caltech in the VLBI Group led by Dr. Tony Readhead.
1991-92 Postdoctoral Fellowship at Arcetri Observatory in Florence, Italy in the Radio Group led by Dr. Marcello Felli.

1989-91 NRAO Predoctoral Fellow with Dr. Richard A. Perley
1988 NRAO Summer student with Dr. Richard A. Perley
1987 Summer Research Assistantship with Dr. Edward L. Wright at UCLA
1986-89 Teaching Assistant at UCLA for Introductory Astronomy, Honors Introductory Astronomy, Cosmology, and Stars & Nebulae
1986 Summer Research Assistantship at Mt. Wilson with Dr. Roger Ulrich
1986 Teaching Assistant at Duke University for Introduction to Astrophysics

1991 Ph.D. in Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles
thesis title: Cluster Magnetic Fields around Radio Galaxies
advisor: Dr. Richard A. Perley (NRAO), committee chair: Dr. Mark Morris
1988 M.S. in Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles
1986 B.S. in Physics/Computer Science (Double Major), Cum Laude, Duke University

1991- International Astronomical Union
1995- International Union of Radio Science
1989-19 American Astronomical Society

2021-24 Bifrost - a CPU/GPU Pipeline Framework for High Throughput Data Acquisition and Analysis, NSF
2020-25 High Resolution Imaging of Ionospheric Structure, AFRL
2019-20 A Broadband All Sky Imager for Riometry, Meteor Radio Afterglows and Transients, AFRL
2019-24 Monitoring Ionospheric Structure, NRL
2018-21 Scientific Opportunities Unique to the LWA, NSF/MSIP
2017-20 Meteor Trail Radio Emission, NSF/CEDAR
2017-20 EPIC, A Novel Imaging Correlator, NSF/ATI
2014-18 Bottomside Ionospheric Structure, AFRL
2014-16 Deep Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Centaurus Cluster, NASA
2012-14 Thermospheric Neutral Wind Measurements Using LWA1, AFRL
2011-17 Science with LWA1, NSF/URO
2011-14 The Large Aperture Experiment to Detect the Dark Ages (LEDA), NSF
2011-14 Observing Cosmic Dawn with the LWA1, NSF
2011-14 Radio Identifications of Unassociated Fermi Sources, NASA
2011-13 Chandra observations of RXJ1532+3021, NASA
2011-14 A Search for Hot Jupiters with the LWA1, NSF
2011-13 Chandra study of PKS0745-191, NASA
2010-12 Chandra study of AWM7, NASA
2010-12 Developing High-Resolution Structural Monitoring of Ionospheric Absorption Events, DTRA
2009-11 Research Devlopment Leading to a HAARP Long Wavelength Receiving Array, BAE
2009-11 The Parsec-Scale Characteristics of Fermi AGN, NASA
2009-14 Lunar University Node for Astrophysics Research (LUNAR): Exploring the Cosmos from the Moon, NASA
2009 A Computing Cluster to Provide Access to the Transient Universe at Long Wavelengths, NMCIAS
2007-11 The Long Wavelength Array - Research, Development and Construction, ONR
2008 Proposal for a New Mexico Synthesis Imaging Workshop, NMCIAS
2004-05 GO7-8124X, Cluster and AGN Interaction in 2A0335+096, NASA
2004-05 BT094, NRAO Student Support Program
2004-05 GO4-5135X, Chandra study of the Centaurus Cluster, NASA
2004-06 GO4-5134X, Megasecond Chandra study of Perseus A, NASA
2002 NSF and CONACyT in support of the 2002 Synthesis Imaging School
2000-02 GO2-3169X, Chandra study of Perseus A, NASA
1991-92 ROSAT observations of Hydra A, NASA

2018-25 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR)
2017-21 Member of the SKA Science and Engineering Advisory Committee (SEAC)
2015-17 External Advisory Committee (Chair) for the Center for Space and Earth Science (CSES) at LANL
2015-23 Intelligence Science and Technology Experts Group (ISTEG) National Academies
2014-23 AUI Visiting Committee for the NRAO (Chair 2021-23)
2010-16 Committee on Radio Frequencies (CORF) National Academies
2008-13 Student Observing Support program at NRAO, last year as Chair
2008-14 IGPPS User's Committee
2006-10 UNM Representative to the U.S. SKA Committee
2005 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Users Group (SLUO) representative to US Congress
2003-04 Co-Chair of Committee on "Mapping the U.S. Scientific Future in VLBI"
2002-05 Chandra User's Committee
1991- Refereed numerous papers for ApJ, AJ, A&A, MNRAS, and PASP. Served/chaired various NSF, NASA, and DFG (German funding agency), review panels.

Alison B. Peck (Ph.D. 1999), Robert T. Zavala (Ph.D. 2003), Steven Tremblay (Ph.D. 2011), Justin Linford (Ph.D. 2012), Ken Obenberger (Ph.D. 2015), Karishma Bansal (Ph.D. 2019), Joe Malins (Ph.D. 2019), Savin Varghese (Ph.D. 2021), Chris DiLullo (Ph.D. 2021), Pratik Kumar (Ph. D. 2023), Seth Bruzewski (Ph.D. 2023), Orlando Leone (M.S. 2014), Caleb Grimes (M.S. 2015), Frank Schinzel (M.S. 2008), Sara Pezzaioli ('24), Lily Wood ('23), Jesus Aguilar ('21-'23), Stephanie Hansen ('22), Paige Zamora ('20-'21), Dilys Ruan ('18-'19), Ivey Davis ('17-'19), Veronica Dike ('15-'17), Aaron Cross ('15-'17), Jessica Lopez ('14-'15), Michael McCracken ('14-'15), Tarraneh Eftekhari ('12-'14), Colby Guitierrez-Kraybill ('12-'13), Jeff Richards ('13), Anthony Ortiz (summer '09), Cristina Rodriguez (fall '05-summer '06), Kathleen Shurkin (summer '06 -'08), Nicole Gugliucci (summer '04, '05), Holly Maness (summer '03), Marcello Giroletti (summer '02), Lindsey Pollack (summer '02, '04), Federica Govoni (summer '01), Hanna Smith (summer '00), Charlie Silver (summer '98, '99), Patricia Udomprasert (summer '97), Elizabeth Barton (summer '94)

See also my List of Publications