Radio Astronomy 423/539 Syllabus: Spring 2025

Course Description and Goals:
In this class we will learn about the basic components of radio telescopes and how they work in practice to explore our universe. We will study the emission mechanisms that produce radio waves, and what we have learned about astrophysical objects through radio studies. We will also explore the concepts of synthesis imaging which make use of many small telescopes to synthesise a single, much larger aperture. As an integral part of the class we will carry out observations of cosmic radio sources using the Very Large Array (VLA), operated out of Socorro, NM, and the Long Wavelength Array (LWA) operated by UNM. Each student, working as part of a team, will learn how to calibrate, image, and analyze LWA and VLA data. If possible we will take a 1-day field trip to the VLA/LWA.

We will use math and physics as we explore the Universe. We will practice problem solving skills, learn about radio astronomy software, and discuss the methods and observations on which our understanding is based. All students are welcome in this class regardless of citizenship, immigration status, or sexual orientation.

Course Texts:
RW: Rohlfs & Wilson (chapter sections will be indicated; pages if necessary).
SI:Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy II by Taylor, Carilli & Perley (electronic version available for individual chapters assigned below, or you can peruse the book (45 MB).)

Class time and location: PAIS 1140, M/W, 2:00pm - 3:15pm

Instructor: Greg Taylor,, PAIS 3236, home page, Office Hours: Mondays 9-10am or by appointment.

TA: Dustin Edgeman

Homework: There will be several homework assignments, each due at the beginning of class one week from the time it is assigned unless otherwise specified.

Grades: Grades will be based on two midterm exams (40%), the homework sets (20%), the written presentations of the projects (25%) and the oral presentations of the projects (10%), and class participation (5%). There will be no final exam.

Accommodation Statement: In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's attention, as he/she are not legally permitted to inquire. Students who may require assistance in emergency evacuations should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow. Contact Accessibility Resource Center at 277-3506 for additional information.

Useful Links: Greg Taylor's home page
NASA Extragalactic Database: Useful Information about sources of interest.
NVSS Postage stamp server Image cutouts from the entire sky imaged with the VLA at 1.4 GHz in D config (45 arcsec resolution, mJy sensitivity).
VLSSr Postage stamp server Image cutouts from the entire sky imaged with the VLA at 74 MHz in B config (90 arcsec resolution, 100 mJy sensitivity).
LWA home page
VLA astronomers page
VLBA astronomers page
ADS (literature search)
astro-ph preprint server

Schedule of Topics
Date Topic Reading Homework
22 Jan (M) Introduction to Radio Astronomy and this course RW (1.1)  
27 Jan (M) Survey of Radio Science RW (1.2)
29 Jan (W) Power, Radiative transfer RW (1.3-1.4)
3 Feb (M) Blackbody radiation, noise RW (1.5-1.6) HW 1 Due
5 Feb (W) Amplifiers and Receivers RW (3.1-3.2, 3.5)
10 Feb (M) signal processing and receivers RW (4) 48-70, 76-80, 95-109
12 Feb (W) VLA Schedule Due 2 hours
12 Feb (W) Single Dish telescopes SI (3) HW 2 Due
17 Feb (M) Interferometry and Synthesis Imaging SI (2)
19 Feb (W) Interferometry continued   HW 3 Due
24 Feb (M) Correlators SI (2)  
26 Feb (W) Calibration SI (6), SI (7) HW 4 due
3 Mar (M) Polarization in Interferometry SI (5), AIPStutorial.pdf   Project assigned
5 Mar (W) Midterm number 1  
10 Mar (M) Imaging SI (5), AIPStutorial.pdf
12 Mar (W) Self Calibration SI (10), SI (16) HW 5 Due
Week of 17 March SPRING BREAK - NO CLASS  
24 Mar (M) Imaging tutorial SI (10), SI (16)  
26 Mar (W) Error Analysis SI (10), SI (16) HW 6 Due
31 Mar (M) Spectral Lines RW (11, 12) SI (22)  
2 Apr (W) Non-imaging analysis SI (5) SI (22) HW 7 Due
7 Apr (M) Very Long Baseline Interferometry, Geodesy RW (10.7)
9 Apr (W) Synchrotron Emission and Magnetic fields RW (9.1-9.5, 9.7-9.12) HW 8 Due
14 Apr (M) Brehmsstralung RW (10.1-10.5) Project Outline Due
16 Apr (W) Thermal radio sources RW (10.1-10.5) HW 9 Due
21 Apr (M) Non-Thermal radio sources  
23 Apr (W) Midterm number 2    
28 Apr (M) Long Wavelength Interferometry and Science    
30 Apr (W) Future Instruments    
5 May (M) Team 1 & 2 Presentations    
7 May (W) Team 3 & 4 Presentations    
13 May (M) Written Reports Due